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[英]Display the total number of each catagory in each column seperately -- SQL

Where is a database like数据库在哪里

gender性别 ssc_b ssc_b
F F Central中央
F F Central中央
F F Other其他
M Central中央
M Other其他

I used the count and group by command but it shows:我按命令使用了计数和分组,但它显示:

gender性别 num_gender num_gender ssc_b ssc_b num_ssc_b num_ssc_b
F F 2 2个 Central中央 2 2个
F F 1 1个 Other其他 1 1个
M 1 1个 Central中央 1 1个
M 1 1个 Other其他 1 1个

I want the display the total number of each catagory in each column seperately, like我想分别显示每列中每个类别的总数,比如

gender性别 num_gender num_gender ssc_b ssc_b num_ssc_b num_ssc_b
F F 3 3个 Central中央 3 3个
M 2 2个 Other其他 2 2个
SELECT gender as key, count(*) as value
FROM <table>
GROUP BY gender
SELECT ssc_b as key, count(*) as value
FROM <table>
GROUP BY ssc_b

Exactly for what you asked, the answer is正是针对你所问的,答案是

select a.gender, a.s, b.gender, b.s from 
(select ROW_NUMBER() OVER() AS num_row, gender, sum(num_gender) s from t group by gender) a 
outer join 
(select ROW_NUMBER() OVER() AS num_row, ssc_b, sum(num_ssc_b) s from t group by ssc_b) b 
on a.num_row=b.num_row

But maybe more logical would be to have the inner queries above as two separate queries.但也许更合乎逻辑的是将上面的内部查询作为两个单独的查询。

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