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苗条的 mouseout 事件在元素内部触发

[英]svelte mouseout event triggering inside element

I'm having problems with mousein and mouseout events triggering at unexpected times.我在意外触发mouseinmouseout事件时遇到问题。

I am trying to use a GitHub svg icon and listen to when the mouse enters and leaves the icon.我正在尝试使用 GitHub svg 图标并聆听鼠标何时进入和离开图标。 I'm not able to replicate it in Svelte's REPL though.不过,我无法在Svelte 的 REPL中复制它。 In the REPL, the mouseout event will trigger once however moving my mouse through the element causes 4-5 mouseout in one pass.在 REPL 中, mouseout事件将触发一次,但是将我的鼠标移过该元素会在一次传递中导致 4-5 次mouseout The mouseout is seemingly triggering when you leave the parent element and enter a child element so going from mousein on the <a> tag will trigger a mouseout when you enter the <svg> and <path> etc.当您离开父元素并进入子元素时, mouseout似乎会触发,因此当您输入<svg><path>等时,从<a>标记上的mousein将触发mouseout

    <Icon type="github" />
    {#if githubHover}

There are four mouse events related to this logic:有四个鼠标事件与此逻辑相关:

  • mouseenter
  • mouseover
  • mouseleave
  • mouseout

(There is no mousein .) (没有mousein 。)

These bubble : mouseover & mouseout这些气泡mouseovermouseout
These do not bubble: mouseenter & mouseleave这些不冒泡: mouseenter & mouseleave

Bubbling events will trigger for all children in the hierarchy.冒泡事件将触发层次结构中的所有子级。 If you do not want those events, use the non-bubbling versions.如果您不想要这些事件,请使用非冒泡版本。 Ie use mouseleave instead of mouseout .即使用mouseleave而不是mouseout

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