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在 windows 中安装 pandoc-crossref 时遇到挑战

[英]Having challenges installing pandoc-crossref in windows

I have recently started using r markdown and I am having issues with installing pandoc-crossref in window.我最近开始使用r markdown ,我在 window 中安装pandoc-crossref时遇到问题。

I have tried approaching friends on getting the set-up but to no avail.我曾尝试联系朋友进行设置,但无济于事。 I have tried searching on the web but couldn't find anything useful.我曾尝试在 web 上搜索,但找不到任何有用的信息。 I tried following the directions here text to no avail.我尝试按照此处的说明进行操作,但无济于事。 I will be grateful if anyone knows where i can get the set up and how to go about installing it.如果有人知道我可以在哪里进行设置以及如何安装它,我将不胜感激 go。

You don't give any information about what errors you receive, so it is hard to provide useful help.您不会提供有关您收到的错误的任何信息,因此很难提供有用的帮助。 This being said...话说这...

Trying to guess what your problem is.试图猜测你的问题是什么。 It is likely that you are getting the error could not find executable pandoc-crossref when trying to compile.尝试编译时,您很可能收到错误could not find executable pandoc-crossref Assuming that that is the case, your problem might be the following.假设是这种情况,您的问题可能如下所示。 Notice that pandoc-crossref.exe is not an installer, but an executable, so double clicking on it in an attempt to install it will do nothing except bring up a terminal for an instant.请注意, pandoc-crossref.exe不是安装程序,而是可执行文件,因此双击它以尝试安装它除了会立即打开终端外什么也做不了。 Is that what you have done?那是你所做的吗? Where did you place it?你把它放在哪里了?

Leaving pandoc-crossref.exe eg in your downloads folder or on your Desktop would give the could not find executable pandoc-crossref error when trying to compile, because the executable needs to be in your $PATH , or pandoc will not be able to find it and run it. pandoc-crossref.exe例如留在您的downloads文件夹或Desktop上会在尝试编译时出现could not find executable pandoc-crossref错误,因为可执行文件需要在您的$PATH中,否则 pandoc 将无法找到它并运行它。

A possible solution.一个可能的解决方案。 If my guesses above are correct, you might be able to solve your problem by placing pandoc-crossref.exe inside your pandoc program folder, where your pandoc.exe file is, which is by default in:如果我上面的猜测是正确的,你可以通过将pandoc-crossref.exe放在你的 pandoc 程序文件夹中来解决你的问题,你的pandoc.exe文件所在的位置,默认情况下位于:

C:\Program Files\Pandoc\

So try to place pandoc-crossref.exe in that folder and see if it works.所以尝试将pandoc-crossref.exe放在该文件夹中,看看它是否有效。

If this does not help.如果这没有帮助。 Say exactly what it is that you tried to do, what errors you encountered, and maybe include a screenshot.准确说明您尝试执行的操作、遇到的错误,并可能附上屏幕截图。

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