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使用行号和列号将 map 一个源代码变量返回到它在一个结构变量中的定义 c

[英]Use line and column numbers to map a source code variable back to its definition in a structure variable in c

If I have a c program like this: node_s and list_s struct is defined and list_get_first is a function defined to get its first element data;如果我有一个这样的 c 程序:定义了node_slist_s结构,并且list_get_first是定义为获取其第一个元素数据的 function;

typedef struct node_s {
    void          *data;
    struct node_s *next;
    struct node_s *prev;
} Node;

struct list_s {
    size_t  size;
    Node   *head;
    Node   *tail;

int list_get_first(CC_List *list, void **out)
    if (list->size == 0)                       // list->size: 9:14
        return -1;

    *out = list->head->data;                   // list->head->data: 12:13
    return 1;

Suppose I can get the debug information at runtime for list->size: 9:14 and list->head->data: 12:13 .假设我可以在运行时获取list->size: 9:14list->head->data: 12:13的调试信息。 Is there a simple way to map that debug information back to its definition with the structure name and the associated field name automatically?有没有一种简单的方法 map 可以自动将调试信息返回到其结构名称和关联字段名称的定义? I'm using clang and llvm for compilation and code analysis.我正在使用 clang 和 llvm 进行编译和代码分析。

You can write an LLVM pass to do this job.您可以编写一个 LLVM pass 来完成这项工作。

  1. First, make sure you generate debug information using '-g' in clang and emit LLVM IR using '-S -emit-llvm'首先,确保在 clang 中使用“-g”生成调试信息,并使用“-S -emit-llvm”发出 LLVM IR
  2. Create a custom LLVM pass, try to find all the variables you need.创建一个自定义的 LLVM pass,尝试找到你需要的所有变量。
  3. For each load instruction, you have to find the definition of types of those variables.对于每个加载指令,您必须找到这些变量的类型定义。 Try to get the debug information of them.尝试获取它们的调试信息。
  4. Create a map for each variable to its definition in struct.为每个变量创建一个 map 到其在结构中的定义。

The following function shows where the information you will be interested are contained in the metadata.以下 function 显示了您将感兴趣的信息包含在元数据中的位置。 You can get them and create the map for each variable.您可以获得它们并为每个变量创建 map。

static void findStructType(Module &M) {
  for (auto &F : M) {
    if (F.isDeclaration()) continue;
    for (auto &BB : F) {
      for (auto &I : BB) {
        if (I.getOpcode() == Instruction::Load) {
          if (I.hasMetadata("dbg")) {
            // This will give the line number for this load
            auto* node = dyn_cast<DILocation>(I.getMetadata("dbg"));
          // Here has the structure information for your structure
          if (F.hasMetadata("dbg")) {
            auto* subprog = dyn_cast<DISubprogram>(F.getMetadata("dbg"));

          if (I.hasMetadata("tbaa")) {
            // This use TBAA for getting the type of this load;
            auto* tbaa = dyn_cast<MDNode>(I.getMetadata("tbaa"));  
            tbaa->getOperand(0)->dump(); // the struct type
            tbaa->getOperand(1)->dump(); // what is loading
            tbaa->getOperand(2)->dump(); // offset

This is what I can get from your example code (only the first load instruction):这是我可以从您的示例代码中得到的(只有第一条加载指令):

<0x55e7875d1470> = !DISubroutineType(types: <0x55e787514828>)
  <0x55e787514828> = !{<0x55e7875cfb58>, <0x55e7875d1380>, <0x55e7875d1400>}
    <0x55e7875cfb58> = !DIBasicType(name: "int", size: 32, encoding: DW_ATE_signed)
    <0x55e7875d1380> = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_pointer_type, baseType: <0x55e7875d0230>, size: 64)
      <0x55e7875d0230> = distinct !DICompositeType(tag: DW_TAG_structure_type, name: "list_s", file: <0x55e7875cc850>, line: 9, size: 192, elements: <0x55e78755c878>)
        <0x55e7875cc850> = !DIFile(filename: "example/dwarf/p1.c", directory: "/home/riple/IPRA-exp", checksumkind: CSK_MD5, checksum: "b2e16825badf1eb53bc8cb87df801efe")
        <0x55e78755c878> = !{<0x55e7875147c0>, <0x55e7875d1280>, <0x55e7875d1300>}
          <0x55e7875147c0> = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_member, name: "size", scope: <0x55e7875d0230>, file: <0x55e7875cc850>, line: 10, baseType: <0x55e7875d0800>, size: 64)
            <0x55e7875d0800> = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_typedef, name: "size_t", file: <0x55e7875d0780>, line: 46, baseType: <0x55e7875d06c8>)
              <0x55e7875d0780> = !DIFile(filename: "install/llvm/lib/clang/16.0.0/include/stddef.h", directory: "/home/riple/IPRA-exp", checksumkind: CSK_MD5, checksum: "89af46ad12914219411a5eaafda2889f")
              <0x55e7875d06c8> = !DIBasicType(name: "unsigned long", size: 64, encoding: DW_ATE_unsigned)
          <0x55e7875d1280> = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_member, name: "head", scope: <0x55e7875d0230>, file: <0x55e7875cc850>, line: 11, baseType: <0x55e7875d1200>, size: 64, offset: 64)
            <0x55e7875d1200> = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_pointer_type, baseType: <0x55e7875d1180>, size: 64)
              <0x55e7875d1180> = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_typedef, name: "Node", file: <0x55e7875cc850>, line: 7, baseType: <0x55e7875d0c70>)
                <0x55e7875d0c70> = distinct !DICompositeType(tag: DW_TAG_structure_type, name: "node_s", file: <0x55e7875cc850>, line: 3, size: 192, elements: <0x55e787593388>)
                  <0x55e787593388> = !{<0x55e7875d0d70>, <0x55e7875d0e70>, <0x55e7875d0ef0>}
                    <0x55e7875d0d70> = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_member, name: "data", scope: <0x55e7875d0c70>, file: <0x55e7875cc850>, line: 4, baseType: <0x55e7875d0cf0>, size: 64)
                      <0x55e7875d0cf0> = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_pointer_type, baseType: null, size: 64)
                    <0x55e7875d0e70> = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_member, name: "next", scope: <0x55e7875d0c70>, file: <0x55e7875cc850>, line: 5, baseType: <0x55e7875d0df0>, size: 64, offset: 64)
                      <0x55e7875d0df0> = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_pointer_type, baseType: <0x55e7875d0c70>, size: 64)
                    <0x55e7875d0ef0> = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_member, name: "prev", scope: <0x55e7875d0c70>, file: <0x55e7875cc850>, line: 6, baseType: <0x55e7875d0df0>, size: 64, offset: 128)
          <0x55e7875d1300> = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_member, name: "tail", scope: <0x55e7875d0230>, file: <0x55e7875cc850>, line: 12, baseType: <0x55e7875d1200>, size: 64, offset: 128)
    <0x55e7875d1400> = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_pointer_type, baseType: <0x55e7875d0cf0>, size: 64)
<0x55e7875d7878> = !{!"list_s", <0x55e7875d7628>, i64 0, <0x55e7875d36d8>, i64 8, <0x55e7875d36d8>, i64 16}
<0x55e7875d7628> = !{!"long", <0x55e7875d3698>, i64 0}
i64 0

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