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将用户从 Azure AD 联合到 Keycloak 的最佳方法是什么?

[英]What is the best way to federate users from Azure AD to Keycloak?

I haven't found a clear answer addressing this topic, which is surprising given that it seems like a common scenario.我还没有找到解决该主题的明确答案,考虑到这似乎是一种常见情况,这令人惊讶。 Can anyone provide some guidance or resources for setting up this type of user federation?任何人都可以提供一些指导或资源来建立这种类型的用户联盟吗?

I have done some research and learned that Keycloak can accept Kerberos or LDAP user federation, but this source claims that Azure AD does not support LDAP. Despite this, I haven't found a clear "best option" for this process.我做了一些研究,了解到 Keycloak 可以接受 Kerberos 或 LDAP 用户联盟,但是这个消息来源声称 Azure AD 不支持 LDAP。尽管如此,我还没有找到这个过程的明确“最佳选择”。 I'm hoping someone who has actually set up this type of federation can provide some guidance or resources to help me achieve this goal.我希望真正建立过这种联盟的人可以提供一些指导或资源来帮助我实现这个目标。

You can connect Azure AD and KeyCloak via SAML2 and an app registration in Azure AD.您可以通过 SAML2 连接 Azure AD 和 KeyCloak,并在 Azure AD 中注册应用程序。 Alphabold has a nice article about creating this setup. Alphabold 有一篇关于创建此设置的好文章

In short the steps are:简而言之,步骤是:

  • Create an app registration for KeyCloak in Azure AD在公元 Azure 年为 KeyCloak 创建应用注册
  • Set the redirect URI for the app registration to your KeyCloak Realm URL将应用程序注册的重定向 URI 设置为您的KeyCloak Realm URL
  • Copy the Federation Metadata URL from the endpoint info for the app registration从应用程序注册的端点信息中复制联合元数据 URL
  • Create ID provider in KeyCloak as a SAML v2.2 provider在 KeyCloak 中创建 ID 提供者作为 SAML v2.2 提供者
  • Add the Federation Metadata URL to the Import External IDP config section将联合元数据 URL 添加到导入外部 IDP 配置部分
  • Validation验证

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