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如何通过 CLI 列出所有 RDS 快照并将其中一些字段导入电子表格

[英]How to list all the RDS snapshots through CLI and import some of those fields into a spreadsheet

I need to list all these ( ( DBSnapshotIdentifier, DBInstanceIdentifier, AvailabilityZone, SnapshotType, Encrypted, SnapshotCreateTime) properties of both automated and manual snapshots of all the available clusters and import this data into a spreadsheet.我需要列出所有可用集群的自动和手动快照的所有这些((DBSnapshotIdentifier、DBInstanceIdentifier、AvailabilityZone、SnapshotType、Encrypted、SnapshotCreateTime)属性,并将这些数据导入到电子表格中。

I tried aws rds describe-db-snapshots this command but I need to get those properties alone and also import those to a spreadsheet我尝试aws rds describe-db-snapshots这个命令,但我需要单独获取这些属性并将它们导入电子表格

Use the regular cli command and save it into a json file.使用常规 cli 命令并将其保存到 json 文件中。 aws rds describe-db-snapshots > filename.json and then convert JSON to CSV via the Command Line Using JQ aws rds describe-db-snapshots > filename.json然后使用 JQ 通过命令行将 JSON 转换为 CSV


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