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Angular - 等待后端调用完成而不是跳过

[英]Angular - Waiting for backend call to finish and not skip

New to angular and I have this issue I have been trying to solve. angular 的新手,我一直在努力解决这个问题。 I have looked all around for a solution but with no luck for my situation.我四处寻找解决方案,但我的情况没有运气。

so here is my problem.所以这是我的问题。

I have a call to back end.我打电话给后端。

private setDocId(document: Document){
    this.api.getInfo(randomNumber: number).subscribe(data => {
    if (data === 1) {
      document.id = data;

regular validation check定期验证检查

   private checkIfDocExists(document: Document){
    return document.isExists ? document.approved = true : document.approved = false:

validation both methods验证两种方法

private isValid(): boolean {
   const isExists = this.checkIfDo1cExists(document);
   return isExists && document.id !== null;

as you can see last method returns validation if both conditions are true;如您所见,如果两个条件都为真,最后一个方法将返回验证; both condition are true, however since the backend call does not wait and continues it returns false since it has not completed initialization yet.两个条件都为真,但是由于后端调用不等待并继续它返回假,因为它还没有完成初始化。

is there a way to let first method (with api call to back end) to wait to finish before it continues?有没有办法让第一个方法(api 调用后端)在继续之前等待完成? without using setInterval or setTimeout?不使用 setInterval 或 setTimeout?


You can use async and await to let the first method complete first.您可以使用asyncawait让第一个方法先完成。

private async setDocId(document: Document){
    const data = await this.api.getInfo(randomNumber: number).toPromise();
    if (data === 1) {
      document.id = data;

private isValid(): boolean {
   await this.setDocId(document);

I think you could get this to work by using a BehaviorSubject and performing the check inside setDocId .我认为您可以通过使用 BehaviorSubject 并在setDocId中执行检查来使其工作。

private isValidSubject = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(false);
isValid$ = this.isValidSubject

private setDocId(document: Document): void {
        map(data => {
            if (data === 1) {
                document.id = data;
                const isExists = this.checkIfDo1cExists(document);
                this.isValidSubject.next(isExists && document.id !== null);

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