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我正在使用 amazon Linux 2 & 每当我尝试使用 yum 命令时,我都会收到错误消息

[英]I am working on amazon Linux 2 & whenever I am trying to use yum command I am getting error

enter image description here I am trying basic command sudo yum update but it's not working在此处输入图像描述我正在尝试基本命令 sudo yum update 但它不起作用

enter image description here在此处输入图像描述

It is showing error in this file.它在此文件中显示错误。 Its location is /usr/bin/yum它的位置是/usr/bin/yum

You replace the yum executable with some ImageMagick script.您将yum可执行文件替换为一些 ImageMagick 脚本。 So you can try to download the yum package and install it with rpm所以你可以试试下载yum package,用rpm安装


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