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如何从 Android 应用程序验证 Active Directory 中的用户名和密码?

[英]How do I validate a Username and Password in an Active Directory from an Android Application?

I am trying to validate an entered Username and Password in an Active Directory hosted on a Server inside my Network and then retrieving a single value from said user object. The User enters the Credentials on an Device running Android 11. The Device is connected to a Su.net within the Network.我正在尝试验证我网络内服务器上托管的 Active Directory 中输入的用户名和密码,然后从所述用户 object 检索单个值。用户在运行 Android 的设备上输入凭据 11. 设备连接到Su.net 内网。 The application is coded in Java. I am using Android Studio as my IDE.该应用程序编码为 Java。我使用 Android Studio 作为我的 IDE。

I would like to authenticate User credentials using an Active Directory and retrieve a single value.我想使用 Active Directory 验证用户凭据并检索单个值。

Assuming you want to connect directly to domain controllers (and not an AD-authenticated web site, for example), you can use NTLMv2 and LDAP.假设您想直接连接到域控制器(而不是经过 AD 验证的 web 站点,例如),您可以使用 NTLMv2 和 LDAP。

This question is discussed here:这个问题在这里讨论:

How to use LDAP authentication in our app in android? 如何在我们android的app中使用LDAP认证?

Specifically, here is detail for authenticating with the SDK mentioned above (though the above link includes others):具体来说,这里是使用上面提到的 SDK 进行身份验证的详细信息(尽管上面的链接包括其他链接):

https://docs.ldap.com/ldap-sdk/docs/getting-started/connections.html https://docs.ldap.com/ldap-sdk/docs/getting-started/connections.html

If the user/password combination is valid, you'll get a success for the bindResponse.如果用户/密码组合有效,您将获得 bindResponse 的成功。

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