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使用 Office Interop 应用程序 Object 在使用 Inno Setup 安装期间获取 PowerPoint 版本

[英]Using Office Interop Application Object to get the PowerPoint version during installation with Inno Setup

During the installation of our PowerPoint add-in using Inno Setup installer, I need to get the currently used version of PowerPoint by querying an Application.PowerPoint object itself - instead of relying on registry entries which can't be guaranteed to give the correct value .在使用 Inno Setup 安装程序安装我们的 PowerPoint 加载项期间,我需要通过查询 Application.PowerPoint object 本身来获取当前使用的 PowerPoint 版本 - 而不是依赖不能保证提供正确值的注册表项.

I have successfully implemented this for an MSI installer written with WIX based on this answer using this code:我已经使用以下代码基于此答案为使用 WIX 编写的 MSI 安装程序成功实现了此功能:

Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint

Public Class Environment

  Public Shared Function GetPowerPointVersion() As String

    Dim CurVer As String
    Dim thisPowerPoint As Object

    thisPowerPoint = New Application()
    CurVer = thisPowerPoint.Version

    Return CurVer

  End Function

End Class

I don't entirely trust this to work in all situations (maybe paranoid), so will put in try/catch blocks and use the registry method if this fails.我不完全相信这在所有情况下都有效(可能是偏执狂),所以如果失败,将放入 try/catch 块并使用注册表方法。

I haven't been able to work out how to do a similar thing with Inno Setup installer.我一直无法弄清楚如何使用 Inno Setup 安装程序做类似的事情。 There are some examples of using DLLs - https://jrsoftware.org/ishelp/index.php?topic=scriptdll - but I can't see how I could create a function callable from Inno Setup from this which would return the version number.有一些使用 DLL 的示例 - https://jrsoftware.org/ishelp/index.php?topic=scriptdll - 但我看不出如何从 Inno Setup 创建一个可调用的 function,它将返回版本号.

You can use CreateOleObject to call PowerPoint and return the version:您可以使用CreateOleObject调用 PowerPoint 并返回版本:

function GetPowerPointVersion(): string;
  MyPowerPoint: Variant;
  MyPowerPoint := CreateOleObject('PowerPoint.Application');
  Result := MyPowerPoint.Version;

For completeness, this is the Pascal Script code which I am now using to get the PowerPoint version – based on Matej's answer, with a fallback to checking the registry if that fails:为了完整起见,这是我现在用来获取 PowerPoint 版本的 Pascal 脚本代码——基于 Matej 的回答,如果失败则回退到检查注册表:

function PowerPointVersion(): String;
  key: String;
  versionToUse: String;
  installedPowerPoint: Variant;

  versionToUse := '';

    installedPowerPoint := CreateOleObject('PowerPoint.Application');
    versionToUse := installedPowerPoint.Version;
    versionToUse := '';

  if versionToUse = '' then
    if RegQueryStringValue(GetHKLM, 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration','VersionToReport', key) then
      versionToUse := key;
      Delete(versionToUse, Pos('.', key), Length(key));
      versionToUse := versionToUse + '.0';

  if versionToUse = '' then
    if RegQueryStringValue(HKCR, 'PowerPoint.Application\CurVer\','', key) then
      StringChangeEx(key, 'PowerPoint.Application.', '', True);
      versionToUse := key;
      versionToUse := versionToUse + '.0';

    // Check to see if versionToUse string can convert to a float: 
    Result := versionToUse;
    Result := '';


It turns out that using Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint which is a NuGet package is not a good idea as it is not supported and will be prone to failure.事实证明,使用 Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint 是一个 NuGet package 不是一个好主意,因为它不受支持并且容易失败。 See this discussion .请参阅此讨论

This external C# code will work and can be set up to be called from Inno Setup.这个外部 C# 代码可以工作,可以设置为从 Inno Setup 调用。 However, using CreateOleObject within Inno Setup Pascal code as described in the accepted answer is far simpler.但是,如接受的答案中所述,在 Inno Setup Pascal 代码中使用 CreateOleObject 要简单得多。

public class PowerPointEnvironment
    public static string GetPowerPointVersion()
        string CurVer = "";
        Type? PowerPointType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("PowerPoint.Application");
        if (PowerPointType != null)
            dynamic? thisPowerPoint = Activator.CreateInstance(PowerPointType);
            if (thisPowerPoint != null)
                CurVer = thisPowerPoint.version();
        return CurVer;


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