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为什么这个网站在手机上这么慢 [shopify]

[英]Why is this website so slow on mobile [shopify]

I'm trying to help a client with their slow-ish website https://www.dp-tools.de .我正在尝试帮助客户处理他们速度较慢的网站https://www.dp-tools.de If I use Google page speed for mobile I can see that it takes 7 seconds to be interactive but nothing in the found problems really tells me why it is actually that slow.如果我使用谷歌手机页面速度,我可以看到交互需要 7 秒,但发现的问题中没有任何内容真正告诉我为什么它实际上那么慢。 I also tried chrome lighthouse and couldn't really see all that much.我也尝试过 chrome 灯塔,但看不到那么多。

Is there another way of checking or maybe anyone here sees why it is so slow?有没有另一种检查方式,或者这里的任何人都知道为什么这么慢?

Open up the client's Shopify Admin, and examine the theme.打开客户的Shopify后台,查看主题。 Does it have any strange slow code in it?它里面有什么奇怪的慢代码吗? Examine the Apps installed that directly affect theme.检查直接影响主题的已安装应用程序。 Are any of them crap, old, broken junk?他们中有没有废话,旧的,破烂的垃圾?

The best way to debug a slow theme is to just start hacking out any junk the client may have added to their theme.调试缓慢主题的最佳方法是开始破解客户可能添加到其主题中的任何垃圾。 A lot of themes are so bad, for example, they load jQuery 3 times.很多主题都这么烂,比如加载了 jQuery 3 次。 Likely you have one bad apple in there, a call that is blocking and takes way to long to timeout or respond.很可能你那里有一个坏苹果,一个正在阻塞的调用,并且需要很长时间才能超时或响应。 Developer tools can point these out to in your console.开发人员工具可以在您的控制台中指出这些。 Mobile versions have to come with a developer console you can inspect too right?移动版本必须带有开发人员控制台,您也可以检查对吗?

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