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Oracle SQL 将数字字段转换为 hh:mm

[英]Oracle SQL Convert number field to hh:mm

I have looked at other similar articles but non are giving me the correct outcome.我看过其他类似的文章,但没有给我正确的结果。 I have a field called 'Duration' with numbers in minutes stored as an integer. I need to convert that to hh:mm so:我有一个名为“持续时间”的字段,其中以分钟为单位的数字存储为 integer。我需要将其转换为 hh:mm,因此:

Duration期间 hh:mm小时:毫米
120 120 02:00 02:00
545 545 09:08 09:08
3600 3600 60:00 60:00

I've experimented with to_char, to_date, and a few others but not getting anywhere.我已经尝试过 to_char、to_date 和其他几个但没有取得任何进展。

You can try using:您可以尝试使用:

  • NUMTODSINTERVAL function, that will transform your integer to seconds NUMTODSINTERVAL function,这会将您的 integer 转换为秒
  • TO_CHAR function, that will format your seconds to your required time frame TO_CHAR function,这会将您的秒数格式化为您需要的时间范围
SELECT Duration, 
FROM tab

Check the demo here .此处查看演示。

Divide the duration (seconds) by 60. The quotient is the minutes, the remainder is the seconds.将持续时间(秒)除以 60。商是分钟,余数是秒。

  to_char(trunc(duration / 60), 'FM00') ||
  ':' ||
  to_char(mod(duration, 60), 'FM00') as time
from mytable;  

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