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[英]Save any Clipboard content and reload it?

I need to use clipboard memory for 1 sec, doing some stuff, and reload the clipboard as original.我需要使用剪贴板 memory 1 秒,做一些事情,然后重新加载原始剪贴板。

I want my cliboard do:我想让我的剪贴板做:

  • "original random text, image, sound or anything else" --> "My Useful Text" “原始随机文本、图像、声音或其他任何内容” --> “我的有用文本”
  • "My Useful Text" --> "random text, image, sound or anything else" “我的有用文本”-->“随机文本、图像、声音或其他任何内容”

But what my clipboard do:但是我的剪贴板做了什么:

  • "original random text, image, sound or anything else" --> "My Useful Text" “原始随机文本、图像、声音或其他任何内容” --> “我的有用文本”
  • "My Useful Text" --> " " [nothing] “我的有用文字”-->“”[无]
using System.Windows.Forms;

public class ExplorerTools 
  public void Run()
    // saving the current clipboard
    var oldClipboard = Clipboard.GetDataObject();

    // Doing some stuff with the clipboard
    Clipboard.SetText("My Useful Text");

    // I want to put back oldClipboard in the clipboard

I don't understand why Clipboard.SetDataObject() cannot retrieve the old value, he just put nothing ='(我不明白为什么Clipboard.SetDataObject()无法检索旧值,他什么也没放 ='(

Like @Taw said, i can't directly use the IDataObject i get from Clipboard.GetDataObject() .正如@Taw 所说,我不能直接使用从Clipboard.GetDataObject()获得的 IDataObject。 So I have to save every 21 kind of clipboard data and reload it individually myself.所以我必须保存每 21 种剪贴板数据并自己单独重新加载。

using System.Windows.Forms;

public class ExplorerTools 
  public void Run()
    // saving the current clipboard
    string[] arr_format = Clipboard.GetDataObject().GetFormats(false);
    Dictionary<string, object> dic_oldDataClipboard = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    foreach(string format in arr_format)
      dic_oldDataClipboard.Add(format, Clipboard.GetData(format));

    // Doing some stuff with the clipboard
    Clipboard.SetText("My Useful Text");

    // I want to put back oldClipboard in the clipboard
    foreach(var format_data in dic_oldDataClipboard)
      Clipboard.SetData(format_data.Key, format_data.Value);

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