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id 之前的 Wordpress Contact Form 7 短代码空间在图形编辑器截断后导致 404 问题

[英]The Wordpress Contact Form 7 shortcode space before the id is causing 404 issues after the graphical editors truncate it

I have encountered a strange hiccup with a Wordpress site that has a graphical editor requirement (Tatsu).我在 Wordpress 站点遇到了一个奇怪的问题,该站点具有图形编辑器要求 (Tatsu)。 It is 97% mature, and of course there is now a problem.已经97%成熟了,当然现在有问题了。

Contact Form 7 was used to create a simple form capable of accepting a file attachment. Contact Form 7 用于创建能够接受文件附件的简单表单。 With the classic editor the form embeds and functions without issue.使用经典编辑器,表单嵌入和运行没有问题。 With Tatsu and a couple of other graphical editors the form works as embedded with their formatting and in all preview modes...until it is saved by the graphical editor.使用 Tatsu 和其他几个图形编辑器,表单可以嵌入格式并在所有预览模式下工作……直到它被图形编辑器保存。 Then we see the 404 error for the form.然后我们看到表单的 404 错误。

If I use a traditional wordpress form, the embed is successful in both traditional editors and the graphical editors.如果我使用传统的 wordpress 表单,则嵌入在传统编辑器和图形编辑器中都是成功的。 What I have found is the Contact Form 7 (form) has a space in the shortcode whereas the traditional Wordpress forms do not.我发现联系表格 7(表格)在简码中有一个空格,而传统的 Wordpress forms 则没有。 Example .例子 I can't use the traditional Wordpress form for the file upload form because it requires an expensive paid version to accept the file upload and that PRO version isn't in the budget.我不能使用传统的 Wordpress 表格作为文件上传表格,因为它需要昂贵的付费版本才能接受文件上传,而且 PRO 版本不在预算之内。

It appears as though the graphical editors are truncating the form's shortcode leading to the 404.图形编辑器似乎正在截断导致 404 的表单简码。

  • I tried modifying the page's code and was moderately successful, until the required graphics-editor re-saves the page and chops off the form's shortcode.我尝试修改页面的代码并取得了一定的成功,直到所需的图形编辑器重新保存页面并删除表单的简码。 When the graphical editor sees the space in the shortcode, it appears to truncate the shortcode leading to the 404 error.当图形编辑器看到短代码中的空格时,它似乎会截断导致 404 错误的短代码。 I can switch back to the classic editor and see the modified shortcode--the truncation.我可以切换回经典编辑器并查看修改后的短代码——截断。 With the classic editor I can correct it, but the formatting of the page is wonky until it is opened and re-saved by the graphical editor (Tatsu)...then the formatting is spot on but the form is broken.使用经典编辑器我可以更正它,但是页面的格式是不稳定的,直到它被图形编辑器 (Tatsu) 打开并重新保存……然后格式是正确的但表格被破坏了。

-I tried the default wordpress form generator, but making the file upload happen required a costly PRO subscription. -我尝试了默认的 wordpress 表单生成器,但要进行文件上传需要昂贵的 PRO 订阅。

  • I think I'm searching for the wrong thing based on buzzword mismatches.我认为我正在搜索基于流行语不匹配的错误内容。 I've looked for how to alias a shortcode (I was thinking I could create a different form shortcode without a space and point to the Contact Form 7 shortcode with a space), but most information I find in that approach is lower-level concerning form fields.我一直在寻找如何为短代码起别名(我想我可以创建一个没有空格的不同形式的短代码并指向带有空格的 Contact Form 7 短代码),但我在该方法中找到的大多数信息都是较低级别的表单字段。

  • A more direct approach--I thought about modifying the shortcode, but can't find where the auto-generated form shortcodes are stored to attempt modification for the subject form's shortcode.更直接的方法——我想修改简码,但找不到自动生成的表单简码存储在哪里尝试修改主题表单的简码。

  • A more aggressive approach--I tried a do_shortcode php approach, but it did not work.一种更激进的方法——我尝试了 do_shortcode php 方法,但它没有用。

  • For grins I tried %20 in the shortcode reference, but met the same demise...404.对于笑容,我在短代码参考中尝试了 %20,但遇到了同样的死亡......404。 Suggestions to get past the hump are appreciated.克服困难的建议表示赞赏。

I worked with this in several combinations through the day.我一整天都在用几种组合来处理这个问题。 I really dislike what some of these editors are doing to conform to their own style, but I understand.我真的不喜欢这些编辑中的一些人为了符合他们自己的风格而做的事情,但我理解。

The solution I found--there is another editor called PageSlayer.我找到的解决方案——还有一个名为 PageSlayer 的编辑器。 Unlike the Classic editor, it allowed me to edit the html and save it precisely, preserving the style of the graphical interface.与经典编辑器不同,它允许我编辑 html 并精确保存,保留图形界面的风格。 This isn't a good solution because when anyone else goes into the graphical interface (Tatsu) to edit something they will lose the form...but it looks right and plays right this moment.这不是一个好的解决方案,因为当其他任何人进入图形界面 (Tatsu) 编辑某些内容时,他们将丢失表单……但它看起来正确,并且此时播放正确。

I have sent a request to support Contact Forms 7 to Tatsu.我已向 Tatsu 发送支持联系 Forms 7 的请求。 Thanks for the time!谢谢你的时间!

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