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C++ 外部 Class 实施不工作

[英]C++ External Class Implementation Not Working

I am trying to implement my own 'User' class from an external C++ file.我正在尝试从外部 C++ 文件实现我自己的“用户”class。 Therefore, I created a User.h , User.cpp and main.cpp file which are all in the same directory.因此,我创建了一个User.hUser.cppmain.cpp文件,它们都在同一个目录中。 Here you can see the source code of each file:在这里可以看到每个文件的源代码:

./User.h ./用户.h

#include <string>

class User {
        User(std::string username, std::string password);
        std::string getPassword();
        std::string username;

        std::string password;

./User.cpp ./用户.cpp

#include "User.h"

User::User(std::string username, std::string password) {
    this -> username = username;
    this -> password = password;
std::string User::getPassword() {
    return password;

./main.cpp ./main.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include "User.h"

int main() {
    User eve("Eve3033", "Pass1234");
    std::cout << eve.getPassword();
    return 0;

The g++ compiler error: g++ 编译错误:

undefined reference to `User::User(std::\__cxx11::basic_string\<char, std::char_traits\<char\>, std::allocator\<char\> \>, std::\__cxx11::basic_string\<char, std::char_traits\<char\>, std::allocator\<char\> \>)'
C:\\Users\\wise-\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ccQgLvm9.o:main.cpp:(.text+0xb8): undefined reference to `User::getPassword[abi:cxx11]()' collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status

I tried to remove the std::string User::getPassword() method, which didn't result in any compiling errors.我试图删除std::string User::getPassword()方法,它没有导致任何编译错误。 The construction of the User eve("Eve3033", "Pass1234") instance was also successfull and I was able to access the public std::string username attribute. User eve("Eve3033", "Pass1234")实例的构建也成功了,我能够访问public std::string username属性。

However, when I tried to implement the std::string User::getPassword() method to also access the private std:string password attribute, g++ returned the same error.但是,当我尝试实现std::string User::getPassword()方法以访问private std:string password属性时,g++ 返回了相同的错误。

I searched for the error online and found the following links:我在网上搜索错误,找到以下链接:

I hope you have any ideas on that problem:)我希望你对这个问题有任何想法:)

Your error must be due to a syntax error or missing file in your command.您的错误一定是由于语法错误或命令中缺少文件造成的。 Compiling this code in VS works just fine, and has the expected output. Make sure you have: g++ main.cpp user.cpp在 VS 中编译这段代码工作得很好,并且有预期的 output。确保你有: g++ main.cpp user.cpp

If you need more context and examples, see here .如果您需要更多上下文和示例,请参见此处

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