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尝试在 X11 中关闭显示时出现 BadWindow(无效的 Window 参数)

[英]BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) when trying to close a Display in X11

I am writing in x86-64 NASM assembly and I wrote a function to close a window using X11 on Ubuntu via WSL我正在编写 x86-64 NASM 程序集,我写了一个 function 以通过 WSL 在 Ubuntu 上使用 X11 关闭 window

I keep getting this error:我不断收到此错误:

X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
  Major opcode of failed request:  18 (X_ChangeProperty)
  Resource id in failed request:  0xe002a0
  Serial number of failed request:  8
  Current serial number in output stream:  18

my code looks like this:我的代码如下所示:

section .bss
    Ox:     resd 1
    Oy:     resd 1
    null:   resq 1
    dis:    resq 1             ;pointer to dis
    screen: resq 1
    gc:     resq 1

    black:  resq 1
    white:  resq 1
    red:    resq 1
    blue:   resq 1
    win:    resq 21
    event:  resb 0x60

section .text
extern  printf, exit
extern  XOpenDisplay, XCreateSimpleWindow, XSetStandardProperties, XSelectInput, XCreateGC, XSetBackground, XSetForeground, XClearWindow, XMapRaised, XFreeGC, XDestroyWindow, XCloseDisplay, XNextEvent

global main
    push    rbp
    mov     rbp, rsp

    call    init

    call    closeWin

    mov     rsp, rbp
    pop     rbp

    push    rbp
    mov     rbp, rsp

    mov     dword [Ox], 100
    mov     dword [Oy], 100
    mov     qword [black], 0x000000
    mov     qword [white], 0xffffff
    mov     qword [red], 0xff0000
    mov     qword [blue], 0x0000ff

    lea     rdi, 0
    call    XOpenDisplay
    mov     qword [dis], rax

    mov     rax, [dis+0xe0]
    mov     qword [screen], rax

    mov     rax, [dis]
    mov     rdx, [rax +0xe8]
    mov     rax, [dis]
    mov     eax, [rax + 0xe0]
    shl     rax, 7
    add     rax, rdx
    mov     rax, [rax + 0x10]
    mov     rdi, [dis]
    mov     rsi, rax
    mov     rdx, 0
    mov     rcx, 0
    mov     r8, 300
    mov     r9, 300

    mov     rax, [black]
    push    rax
    mov     rax, [white]
    push    rax
    mov     rax, 5
    push    rax
    call    XCreateSimpleWindow
    mov     [win], rax    
    add     rsp, 24

    mov     rdi, [dis]
    mov     rsi, [dis]
    mov     rax, "Title"
    push    rax
    mov     rax, "Hi"
    push    rax
    lea     rdx, [rbp-8]
    lea     rcx, [rbp-16]
    mov     r8, 0
    mov     r9, 0x0
    push    r8
    push    r9
    call    XSetStandardProperties
    add     rsp, 0x20

    mov     rdi, [dis]
    mov     rsi, [win]
    mov     rdx, ExposureMask
    mov     rax, ButtonPressMask
    or      rdx, rax
    mov     rax, KeyPressMask
    or      rdx, rax
    call    XSelectInput

    mov     rdi, [dis]
    mov     rsi, [win]
    xor     rdx, rdx
    xor     rcx, rcx
    call    XCreateGC
    mov     [gc], rax

    mov     rdi, [dis]
    mov     rsi, [gc]
    mov     rdx, [white]
    call    XSetBackground

    mov     rdi, [dis]
    mov     rsi, [gc]
    mov     rdx, [black]
    call    XSetForeground

    mov     rdi, [dis]
    mov     rsi, [win]
    call    XClearWindow

    mov     rdi, [dis]
    mov     rsi, [win]
    call    XMapRaised

    mov     rsp, rbp
    pop     rbp

    push    rbp
    mov     rbp, rsp

    mov     rdi, [dis]
    mov     rsi, [gc]
    call    XFreeGC

    mov     rdi, [dis]
    mov     rsi, [win]
    call    XDestroyWindow

    mov     rdi, [dis]
    call    XCloseDisplay

    xor     rdi, rdi
    call    exit

    mov     rsp, rbp
    pop     rbp

the error seems to be coming from the XCloseDisplay function call该错误似乎来自XCloseDisplay function 调用

I have tried looking at my initialization of the window but I get no errors from there when I comment out the call XCloseDisplay I don't get the error.我已经尝试查看我对 window 的初始化,但是当我注释掉call XCloseDisplay时我没有从那里得到任何错误我没有得到错误。

I tried just commenting it out and ignoring it but got the same error trying to use XNextEvent我试着把它注释掉并忽略它,但在尝试使用XNextEvent时遇到了同样的错误

(also I am a bit of a noob at assembly so it may be a dumb thing I overlooked) (而且我在组装方面有点菜鸟所以这可能是我忽略的一件愚蠢的事情)

Nevermind, I just had passed the display into the window parameter of XSetStandardProperties in my initialization, but I only got the error when I tried to close the display.没关系,我只是在初始化时将显示传递给 XSetStandardProperties 的XSetStandardProperties参数,但是当我尝试关闭显示时才出现错误。

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