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模拟 function 被触发但 toHaveBeenCalledWith 无法识别

[英]Mocked function get triggered but toHaveBeenCalledWith do not recognize it

I mocked the useNavigation() hook from react-naitive/navigation but jest do not recognize it.我从react-naitive/navigation嘲笑了useNavigation()钩子,但开玩笑不认识它。

Jest gives me an error that the function did not get called, but when I log the function it got to be triggered. Jest 给我一个错误,function 没有被调用,但是当我记录 function 时它被触发了。

I already tried it with wrapping they expect with waitFor but then I just get a typescript catch error Error: Uncaught [TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'catch')]我已经尝试过用waitFor包装他们期望的但后来我得到一个 typescript 捕获错误Error: Uncaught [TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'catch')]

My jest test:我的笑话测试:

jest.mock('@react-navigation/native', () => {
  const actualNav = jest.requireActual('@react-navigation/native');
  return {
    useNavigation: () => ({
      // when I do () => { console.log('trigger') } it will be called
      navigate: jest.fn(),
    useRoute: () => ({
      params: { email: '' },

  it.only('should navigate to resend screen when button is pressed', async () => {
    const { getByTestId } = render(
      withStoreProvider(<EmailVerificationPending />),

    await waitFor(() => {


        screen: SignUpScreens.EmailVerificationResend,
        params: {
          email: '',

Error message:错误信息:

  ● features/signup/presentation/email-verification/pending-screen › should navigate to resend screen when button is pressed


    Expected: "RootScreens_SignUpNavigator", {"params": {"email": ""}, "screen": "SignUpScreens_EmailVerificationResend"}

    Number of calls: 0

      64 |     fireEvent.press(getByTestId('emailVerificationPendingScreen_moreInfoCta'));
      65 |
    > 66 |     expect(navigation.navigate).toHaveBeenCalledWith(

This error message is likely occurring when you are trying to test a mocked function using the Jest testing framework, and the test is failing because the mocked function is being called but the assertion toHaveBeenCalledWith is not recognizing it.当您尝试使用 Jest 测试框架测试模拟的 function 时,可能会出现此错误消息,并且测试失败是因为正在调用模拟的 function 但断言 toHaveBeenCalledWith 无法识别它。

Here are some possible solutions:以下是一些可能的解决方案:

  1. Make sure that you are importing the correct mock function and that it is being called in the correct place in your code.确保您正在导入正确的模拟 function 并且它在代码中的正确位置被调用。

  2. Check that the arguments passed to the mocked function match the arguments passed to toHaveBeenCalledWith检查传递给模拟 function 的 arguments 是否匹配传递给 toHaveBeenCalledWith 的 arguments

  3. check if the mock implementation is correct, you should use jest.fn() or jest.spyOn() to create a mock function检查模拟实现是否正确,您应该使用 jest.fn() 或 jest.spyOn() 创建模拟 function

  4. Make sure that you are using the correct syntax for the toHaveBeenCalledWith assert.确保您对 toHaveBeenCalledWith 断言使用正确的语法。

  5. Try to debug the test to check if the mocked function is getting called or not.尝试调试测试以检查模拟的 function 是否被调用。

  6. Make sure that you are correctly importing and calling the navigation function, and that it is being called with the correct arguments and parameters.确保您正确导入和调用导航 function,并且使用正确的 arguments 和参数调用它。

  7. Make sure that the navigation function is being called after the button press event and not before.确保在按钮按下事件之后而不是之前调用导航 function。

  8. Make sure that the navigation function is being called in the correct screen and the test is not looking for it in wrong screen.确保在正确的屏幕中调用导航 function,并且测试不会在错误的屏幕中查找它。

  9. Try using.toHaveBeenCalled() instead of.toHaveBeenCalledWith()尝试使用 .toHaveBeenCalled() 而不是 .toHaveBeenCalledWith()

  10. Make sure that the test case is not getting skipped or ignored.确保测试用例没有被跳过或忽略。

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