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Java(14 及以上)instanceof 转换为 generics(例如 List<string> )</string>

[英]Java (14 and above) instanceof cast to generics (e.g. List<String> )

I'm deserializing JSON payloads using Jackson. I have some fields that can be either Objects or Arrays of Objects.我正在使用 Jackson 反序列化 JSON 有效负载。我有一些字段可以是对象或对象的 Arrays。 So In my Java code I'm declaring所以在我的 Java 代码中我声明

class Outer{
    private Object inner;

I know that inner can be either Map<String,String> or List<Map<String,String>>我知道 inner 可以是Map<String,String>List<Map<String,String>>

since I need to do some work with this inner object I have to reside to if - instance of因为我需要用这个内部 object 做一些工作,所以我必须驻留在 if - 的实例

if (inner instanceof List){
    List<Map<String,String>> innerAsList = (List<Map<String,String>>)inner;
}else if (inner instanceof Map){
    Map<String,String> innerAsMap = (Map<String,String>)inner;
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("List or Map only");

Now trying to use the "new" pattern matching for instanceof fails to compile (I'm using JDK 17 with previews enabled)现在尝试使用instanceof的“新”模式匹配无法编译(我使用的是启用了预览的 JDK 17)

if (inner instanceof List<Map<String,String>> innerAsList){
}else if (inner instanceof Map<String,String> innerAsMap){
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("List or Map only");

fails to compile编译失败

'Object' cannot be safely cast to 'List<String>'

Using wildcard cast compiles使用通配符编译

if (inner instanceof List<?> innerAsList){
}else if (inner instanceof Map<?,?> innerAsMap){
   throw new IllegalArgumentException("List or Map only");

but I then I still need to cast to the correct generic.但是我仍然需要转换为正确的泛型。

Is this solvable somehow?这可以以某种方式解决吗? Is it missing functionality?If so are there plans to have it in a future release?它是否缺少功能?如果有,是否有计划在未来的版本中使用它?

instanceof is runtime type checking but generics uses type erasure at compile time. instanceof 是运行时类型检查,但 generics 在编译时使用类型擦除。 That's why instanceof is not allowed to use for < T > but allowed to use for the raw type List.这就是为什么 instanceof 不允许用于 < T > 但允许用于原始类型 List 的原因。 You may check out this tutorial about generics cannot use instanceof: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/java_generics/java_generics_no_instanceof.htm您可以查看本教程关于 generics cannot use instanceof: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/java_generics/java_generics_no_instanceof.htm

Alternatively, there are some solutions I can think of.或者,我可以想到一些解决方案。

Approach 1: Check the type of the first list item.方法 1:检查第一个列表项的类型。

if (inner instanceof List && !((List) inner).isEmpty() && ((List) inner).get(0) instanceof Map) {
    // You may continue to check map key and value if necessary.
} else if (inner instanceof Map) {
    // You may continue to check map key and value if necessary.
} else {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("List or Map only");

Approach 2: Use type casting in try catch block.方法 2:在 try catch 块中使用类型转换。

try {
    Map<String, String> map = (Map<String, String>) inner;
    Map.Entry<String, String> entry = map.entrySet().iterator().next();
    String key = entry.getKey();
    String value = entry.getValue();
    System.out.println(key + " " + value);
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
    System.out.println("Object is not Map<String, String>");

You can use Approach 2 with Approach 1 to continue to check after instanceof Map.您可以使用方法 2 和方法 1 在 instanceof Map 之后继续检查。

Approach 3: Use a wrapper class for instanceof.方法 3:对 instanceof 使用包装器 class。

class ListWrapper extends ArrayList<Map<String, String>> { 

This way takes you more efforts to implement CRUD operations.这种方式需要你更多的努力来实现 CRUD 操作。

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