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DOM 操作点击鼠标事件

[英]DOM Manipulation Click Mouse Event

I was trying to change the color of the background of the web page with a mouse click, below are the lines for the same:我试图通过单击鼠标来更改 web 页面的背景颜色,下面是相同的行:

 let bodyvar = document.querySelector('body'); bodyvar.addEventListener("click",generate); function generate(){ bodyvar.style.backgroundColor = "red"; }

When I test individual lines in console it is selecting the body and the function and everything works correctly individually but not on the actual page.当我在控制台中测试单独的行时,它正在选择正文和 function 并且所有内容都可以单独正常工作但不是在实际页面上。

I have just started leaning JS so am not sure what am missing here, will I also need to consider the co-ordinates that the mouse clicks on?我刚开始学习 JS,所以不确定这里缺少什么,我是否还需要考虑鼠标点击的坐标?

I suspect that the <body></body> is empty .我怀疑<body></body>的。 Add some content , or define the width and height .添加一些content ,或者定义widthheight

 let bodyvar = document.querySelector('body'); bodyvar.style.minWidth = "100vw"; bodyvar.style.minHeight = "100vh"; bodyvar.addEventListener("click",generate); function generate(){ bodyvar.style.backgroundColor = "red"; }

Alternatively, I can use <HTML> instead of <body> .或者,我可以使用<HTML>而不是<body>

 let bodyvar = document.querySelector('html'); bodyvar.addEventListener("click",generate); function generate(){ bodyvar.style.backgroundColor = "red"; }

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