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[英]Share logic between application module and library module

I have module.gradle.kts :我有module.gradle.kts

plugins {

android {
    defaultConfig {

And app.gradle.kts :app.gradle.kts

plugins {

android {
    defaultConfig {

I would like to define a common configuration of android.defaultConfig for both app.gradle.kts and module.gradle.kts in a dedicated gradle file, such as root.gradle.kts :我想在专用的 gradle 文件中为app.gradle.ktsmodule.gradle.kts定义android.defaultConfig的通用配置,例如root.gradle.kts

plugins {
    // What plugin to use here since this is neither an application module nor a library module ?

android {
    defaultConfig {
        // Common configuration to be used by app.gradle.kts and module.gradle.kts

Is there a common ancestor to "com.android.application" and "com.android.library" that can be used in that case?在这种情况下是否可以使用“com.android.application”和“com.android.library”的共同祖先?

I've defined my own extension function in buildSrc/src/main/Extensions.kt :我在buildSrc/src/main/Extensions.kt中定义了我自己的扩展 function :

import com.android.build.api.dsl.CommonExtension

fun CommonExtension<*, *, *, *>.applyRootConfiguration() {
    defaultConfig {
        // ...

Then I can apply it in an application or a library by doing:然后我可以通过执行以下操作将它应用到应用程序或库中:

android {

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