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如何使用 Intellij 版本 2022.3 将 Maven 设置为 spring initialzr 的默认类型

[英]How to set Maven as default type for the spring initialzr with Intellij version 2022.3

With the new Intellij version (2022.3) Maven is no longer the default type (is has selected Bradle- Groovy) for a Java Project when using the spring boot initializr .在新的 Intellij 版本 (2022.3) 中,Maven 不再是使用spring 启动初始化程序时 Java 项目的默认类型(已选择 Bradle-Groovy)。

This is extremely annoying since Maven used to be the default option.这非常烦人,因为 Maven 曾经是默认选项。

I have searched through all relevant settings I could come up with, without any luck.我已经搜索了所有我能想到的相关设置,但没有任何运气。

Can anyone explain how to change the default settings for the spring intializr?谁能解释如何更改 spring intializr 的默认设置?

I also asked the question on IntelliJ support, and unfortunately this is not posible (yet) As a consequence of my request, they have opened a feature request to allow for this: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-311387我还询问了有关 IntelliJ 支持的问题,不幸的是,这还不可能(还)根据我的请求,他们已经打开了一个功能请求以允许这样做: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA- 311387

If you, like me, are annoyed by this change please upvote the request如果你和我一样,对这个变化感到恼火,请支持这个请求

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