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你如何反转 material-ui 图标的主要和背景 colors?

[英]How do you invert the primary and background colors of a material-ui icon?

How can I achieve the style of the icon to right of the screenshot?如何实现屏幕截图右侧图标的样式? <ArrowForwardIosIcon /> gives me the left icon but I would like to output the one to the right. <ArrowForwardIosIcon />给我左边的图标,但我想要 output 右边的图标。


You can find the code that controls the display of the icons in the dialog that pops up from the icon-search portion of the documentation here: https://github.com/mui/material-ui/blob/v5.11.6/docs/data/material/components/material-icons/SearchIcons.js#L233您可以在文档的图标搜索部分弹出的对话框中找到控制图标显示的代码: https://github.com/mui/material-ui/blob/v5.11.6/docs /data/material/components/material-icons/SearchIcons.js#L233

Below is an example that applies equivalent styling using the sx prop.下面是一个使用sx应用等效样式的示例。 The key aspect is setting the color and background-color appropriately in the styling.关键方面是在样式中适当地设置colorbackground-color The rest of the styling just controls the size and shape of the box the icon is in.样式的 rest 只是控制图标所在框的大小和形状。

import * as React from "react";
import ArrowForwardIosIcon from "@mui/icons-material/ArrowForwardIos";

export default function SvgIconsColor() {
  return (
          margin: 0.5,
          px: 2,
          py: 1,
          borderRadius: 1,
          boxSizing: "content-box",
          color: "primary.main"
          margin: 0.5,
          px: 2,
          py: 1,
          borderRadius: 1,
          boxSizing: "content-box",
          color: "primary.contrastText",
          backgroundColor: "primary.main"


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