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列出所有安装了 winget 的包

[英]List all packages installed with winget

Is there a way to list only packages installed specifically with the winget command?有没有办法只列出专门用 winget 命令安装的包?

winget list

seems to show all packages installed on the machine.似乎显示了机器上安装的所有包。

I am changing my computer and I want to get a list of all packages I installed with winget to be installed on the new machine.我正在更换我的电脑,我想获得我用 winget 安装的所有软件包的列表,以便安装在新机器上。 Is this possible?这可能吗?

To narrow the display output to those packages installed via winget , use the following:要将显示 output 缩小到那些通过winget安装的包,请使用以下命令:

(winget list) -match ' winget$'

No, there is no way to have WinGet display packages it has installed.不,没有办法让 WinGet 显示它已安装的包。

The output of list is coming from the same source as "Windows Apps & Features".列表的 output 来自与“Windows 应用程序和功能”相同的来源。 The filtering by source is just a request for displaying packages available in more than one source to the one specified.按来源过滤只是一种将多个来源中可用的包显示到指定来源的请求。

An enhancement has been asked for to filter the results only to packages available in a given source.已要求增强功能以仅过滤给定源中可用的包的结果。

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