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如何在 React/Javascript 中递归过滤树 JSON?

[英]How to recursively filter tree JSON in React/Javascript?

I need to filter this JSON tree data for a search (filter tree) functionality.我需要过滤此 JSON 树数据以实现搜索(过滤树)功能。 The structure looks like this:结构如下所示:

The Array filter > map is only going to the first level. Array filter > map 只会进入第一级。 How do I traverse up to the last level of child (filter should work on all levels after Customers) and filter accordingly using a string (includes logic)我如何遍历到子级的最后一级(过滤器应该在客户之后的所有级别上工作)并使用字符串进行相应的过滤(包括逻辑)

         "path":"Bob Rivers",
         "sha":"Bob Rivers",

Sample Input is if the search filter = "DEF" (path will be checked), the data will be reduced to this one示例输入是如果搜索过滤器 = "DEF"(路径将被检查),数据将减少到这个

         "path":"Bob Rivers",
         "sha":"Bob Rivers",

I have tried the following solution/s but did not work: recursively filter json data for search bar我尝试了以下解决方案但没有奏效: 递归过滤搜索栏的 json 数据

This one explicitly mentioned that flatting the JSON tree data to array did not solve his issue这个人明确提到将 JSON 树数据扁平化到数组并没有解决他的问题

https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-filter-object-array-based-on-attributes/ https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-filter-object-array-based-on-attributes/

  const TreeNode = ({node , searchString}) => {
      return node.path.toLowerCase().includes(searchString.toLowerCase())? node:null

    node.tree = node.tree.map(childNode => TreeNode(
        node:childNode, searchString        
    )).filter(n => n);
    return node.tree.length? node:null;

This recursive function solved my problem这个递归 function 解决了我的问题

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