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无法使用 MultiIndex 列从 Dataframe 中删除行

[英]Can't Delete Row from Dataframe with MultiIndex Column

I have created a DataFrame with a MultiIndex in the columns, which I want to create as an empty DataFrame and add columns and values iteratively.我创建了一个 DataFrame,在列中有一个 MultiIndex,我想创建一个空的 DataFrame 并迭代地添加列和值。 I want the structure to look like this (I may decide to change the row labels later, but for now I am using default row indices):我希望结构看起来像这样(我可能决定稍后更改行标签,但现在我使用默认行索引):

  Head 1 Head 1 Head 2 Head 2
  Sub 1  Sub 2  Sub 3  Sub 4

I have been successfully able to create the DataFrame with 1 column, but the first row has a value of NaN (I presume this is because it's created empty and fills the data with something upon declaration).我已经成功地创建了具有 1 列的 DataFrame,但第一行的值为 NaN(我认为这是因为它创建为空并在声明时用某些东西填充数据)。 I have tried to delete the row with NaN in it but nothing seems to be working.我试图删除其中包含 NaN 的行,但似乎没有任何效果。 What is the correct syntax for dropping the row?删除行的正确语法是什么? To clarify I have this:为了澄清我有这个:

  Head 1
  Sub 1
0 NaN
1 foo
2 bar

And I want it to look like this:我希望它看起来像这样:

  Head 1
  Sub 1
1 foo
2 bar

I have tried using both df.drop and df.drop_na, but the dataframe does not change.我试过同时使用 df.drop 和 df.drop_na,但 dataframe 没有改变。

Use a tuple of the levels:使用级别元组:

df = df.dropna(axis=0, how="any", subset=[("Head 1", "Sub 1")])

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