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所以我有一个包含大约 300 个 png 文件的文件夹,我想将它们全部转换为 jpg 文件

[英]So I have a folder which contains around 300 png files and I want to convert all of them to jpg files

i have a access to a Ubuntu server and a macOS installation我可以访问 Ubuntu 服务器和 macOS 安装

I've searched only but haven't found anything我只搜索过但没有找到任何东西

install imagemagick and rename安装 imagemagick 并重命名

sudo apt install imagemagick rename

go in the folder to be safe go 在文件夹里要安全

cd /dir/with/pngs

convert them all in a for/do/done loop在 for/do/done 循环中将它们全部转换
for png in $(ls -1 *.png); do
   convert "$png" "${png/png/jpg}"

You win one million fire emojiis.你赢了一百万个火表情符号。

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