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macOS Finder 和 Windows Explorer 是否一个一个复制文件?

[英]Do macOS Finder and Windows Explorer copy files one by one?

Does Windows Explorer and MacOS Finder actually copy files one by one, or do they utilize some kind of batch copying process? Windows Explorer 和 MacOS Finder 实际上是一个一个地复制文件,还是使用某种批量复制过程? If they do copy files one by one, is there a way to enable batch copying?如果他们确实一个一个地复制文件,有没有办法启用批量复制?

I tried to find any documentation on this, but can't find a source.我试图找到关于此的任何文档,但找不到来源。 Any help is highly appreciated!非常感谢任何帮助!

And if so, is there a reason that they don't copy them simultaneously?如果是这样,是否有理由不同时复制它们?

Yes, I assume they still do.是的,我认为他们仍然这样做。

Jump back in time 20 years;时光倒流20年; ma.netic hard-drives still rule the world and the only time copying multiple files at the same time makes sense is if there are multiple different source and destination (physical) disks.磁性硬盘驱动器仍然统治着世界,同时复制多个文件唯一有意义的是如果有多个不同的源和目标(物理)磁盘。 For example;例如; copying one file from C: to D: and one file from E: to F:.将一个文件从 C: 复制到 D:,将一个文件从 E: 复制到 F:。 This would be faster if done simultaneously.如果同时完成,这会更快。 If you start this as one operation in Explorer, it is not smart enough to do them side-by-side because this scenario is rare, the common case is a shared source and/or destination.如果您在 Explorer 中将其作为一个操作启动,那么并排执行它们就不够智能,因为这种情况很少见,常见情况是共享源和/或目标。

The same applies today, there is a bottleneck somewhere, either the drives themselves or the bus that connects devices together and you are not going to gain much by trying to be smart in the majority of cases.这同样适用于今天,在某个地方存在瓶颈,无论是驱动器本身还是将设备连接在一起的总线,在大多数情况下,你不会通过尝试变得聪明而获得太多好处。

Explorer is slow because it tries to estimate the time remaining and because of the progress bar. Explorer 很慢,因为它试图估计剩余时间和进度条。 robocopy is much faster... robocopy要快得多......


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