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输入不会改变 reactjs 中的值

[英]Input doesn't change the value in reactjs


I'm working on project using reactjs and graphql with apollo client.我正在使用 reactjs 和 graphql 与 apollo 客户端进行项目。 I'm trying to get user by id and it works, the value shows in the form modal.我正在尝试通过 id 获取用户并且它有效,该值以模式形式显示。


But, I can't delete or add the text or content inside form input.但是,我无法删除或添加表单输入中的文本或内容。

I'm using onChange handler but it doesn't work.我正在使用 onChange 处理程序,但它不起作用。 here's the code这是代码

import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { useMutation, useQuery } from "@apollo/client";
import { Button, Modal, Form } from "react-bootstrap";

import { GET_USER_BY_ID } from "../../../gql/query";

const ModalEdit = (props) => {
    // state for check input component
    const [isChecked, setIsChecked] = useState('ACTIVE');
    const [value, setValue] = useState({
      full_name: "",
      email: "",
      phone: "",
      address: "",
      password: "",
      group_id: "",

    useEffect(() => {
        if (props.show) {

        return () => {
            if (document.body.classList.contains("modal-open")) {
  }, [props.show]);

  const { data, loading, error } = useQuery(GET_USER_BY_ID, {
    variables: { username: props.username },

  const dataUser = data?.getUserByID;

  if (loading) return <p>Loading...</p>;
  if (error) return <p>Error!</p>;

  const onChange = (event) => {
      [event.target.name]: event.target.value

  return (
    <Modal show={props.show}>
        <Modal.Title> <span>FORMULIR AKUN PENGGUNA</span> </Modal.Title>
            <Form.Group className="mb-3">
                <Form.Label>Role Akun</Form.Label>
                <Form.Select aria-label="pilih user role">
                    <option>Admin RJ</option>
            <Form.Group className="mb-3">
                <Form.Label>Nama Lengkap</Form.Label>
                <Form.Control name="full_name" value={dataUser.full_name} onChange= {onChange} />
            <Form.Group className="mb-3">
                <Form.Control type="email" name="email" value={dataUser.email} onChange={ onChange }/>
            <Form.Group className="mb-3">
                <Form.Control type="text" name="phone" value={dataUser.phone} onChange={ onChange } />
            <Form.Group className="mb-3">
                <Form.Control type="text" name="address" value={dataUser.address} onChange={ onChange } />
            <Form.Group className="mb-3">
                <Form.Control type="password" name="password" value={dataUser.password} onChange={ onChange } />
            <Form.Label>Aktifkan Akun</Form.Label>
            {dataUser.status === 'ACTIVE' ? (  
                onChange={(event) => setIsChecked(event.target.checked)}
                label="Aktifkan Akun"
            /> ) :  (
                    onChange={(event) => setIsChecked(event.target.checked)}
                    label="Aktifkan Akun"
        <Button variant="primary" type="submit" >Submit</Button>
        <Button variant="secondary" onClick={props.onClose}>

export default ModalEdit;

Question How can i'm edit the form input?问题我如何编辑表单输入?

Any help will be apprieciated, thank you任何帮助将不胜感激,谢谢

The value prop of your inputs are causing this issue.您输入的value支柱导致了这个问题。 Instead of binding the value directly to dataUser.address and such, you should set them to value.address and so on.与其将value直接绑定到dataUser.address等,不如将它们设置为value.address等。

As for showing the user's data, you should map the values when creating the state.至于显示用户的数据,你应该 map 创建 state 时的值。

Your state should be as follows:您的 state 应如下所示:

const [value, setValue] = useState({
  full_name: dataUser.full_name,
  email: dataUser.email,
  phone: dataUser.phone
  address: dataUser.address,
  password: dataUser.password,
  group_id: dataUser.group_id,

And your input should be as follows:您的输入应如下所示:

<Form.Control name="full_name" value={value.full_name} onChange= {onChange} />

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