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反应本机 RenderHtml

[英]react native RenderHtml

I use RenderHtml to display information containing html tags in a mobile application.我使用 RenderHtml 在移动应用程序中显示包含 html 标签的信息。 Only I would like to make the non-clickable, make redirection of these links impossible.只有我想让不可点击的链接无法重定向。

I already tried to use pointerEvent but it is not accepted in the native react style anymore.我已经尝试使用 pointerEvent,但它不再被原生 React 风格所接受。 I show you my code hoping someone can help me with this.我向您展示我的代码,希望有人可以帮助我。 Thanks in advance and have a nice day.提前致谢,祝你有美好的一天。

 const onLinkPress = () => {};

  const short_description = {
    html: shortDescription,

  const tagsStyles = {
    body: {
      whiteSpace: "normal",
      color: "gray",
      width: width * 0.7,
      margin: 20,
      top: 5,
      right: 3,
    a: {
      color: "gray",
      textDecorationLine: "none",
      href: "",
       contentWidth={(width, height)}

I found the solution 2 min after make this post...我在发表这篇文章后 2 分钟找到了解决方案...

I used a.replace to replace by:我用 a.replace 替换为:


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