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在 postgresql 原始查询中更新对象的 json 列数组中的值

[英]Update a value in json column array of objects in postgresql raw query

I have a json type column in postgreSQL and I want to update the specific field in that json column.我在 postgreSQL 中有一个 json 类型的列,我想更新该 json 列中的特定字段。 Below is the column I want to update in, [{"id":"xyyc","answered":false,"payable":true,"productIncentiveCost":{"incentive":0,"cost":0,"dollarIncentive":0,"dollarCost":0},"reward":0,"amountInDollar":0,"delayToNextProduct":"","extraDelayToNextProduct":""}] .下面是我要更新的列, [{"id":"xyyc","answered":false,"payable":true,"productIncentiveCost":{"incentive":0,"cost":0,"dollarIncentive":0,"dollarCost":0},"reward":0,"amountInDollar":0,"delayToNextProduct":"","extraDelayToNextProduct":""}]

I want to update the "reward" at 0 index of this column using postgreSQL raw query.我想使用 postgreSQL 原始查询更新此列的 0 索引处的“奖励”。

I have tried updating it using update method set and set_json but no luck.我尝试使用更新方法 set 和 set_json 更新它,但没有成功。

update data
set value = tmp.upd_json_arr
from (
      jsonb_agg(jsonb_row || '{"reward": 167}') as upd_json_arr
  from data,
      jsonb_array_elements(value) jsonb_row
) tmp;


  • First, you need to 'expand' your jsonb array using jsonb_array_elements() function. As a result you'll get jsonb rows.首先,您需要使用jsonb_array_elements() function“扩展”您的 jsonb 数组。结果您将获得 jsonb 行。
  • Then, using concatenation operation you can rewrite a jsonb field: jsonb_row || '{"reward": 167}'然后,使用连接操作,您可以重写一个 jsonb 字段: jsonb_row || '{"reward": 167}' jsonb_row || '{"reward": 167}' . jsonb_row || '{"reward": 167}'
  • Finally, jsonb_agg() function can help you to flatten all the jsonb rows into an array upd_json_arr .最后, jsonb_agg() function 可以帮助您将所有 jsonb 行展平到数组upd_json_arr中。
  • upd_json_arr is used in a set -statement. upd_json_arrset语句中使用。

Here is the demo .这是演示

This answer shows different ways to manipulate with jsonb fields.答案显示了使用 jsonb 字段进行操作的不同方式。

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