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在记录规则 Odoo 中调用一个 python 方法

[英]Call a python method in record rule Odoo

The common syntax of record rules is ['|',('user_id','=',user.id),('user_id','=',False)]]记录规则的常用语法为['|',('user_id','=',user.id),('user_id','=',False)]]

Is there any possiblilties we can use a python method to get the dynamic ids of user?有没有可能我们可以使用 python 方法来获取用户的动态 ID?

For Example例如

['|',('user_id','=',getuserid()),('user_id','=',False)] ['|',('user_id','=',getuserid()),('user_id','=',False)]

You can try something like, xml:您可以尝试类似 xml 的方法:

['|',('user_id','=', user.env["your.model"].get_userid().id), ('user_id','=',False)]


def get_userid(self):
    domain = []
    return self.env["res.user"].search(domain)

Let me know if this works for you.如果这对你有用,请告诉我。

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