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绑定到结构的属性会导致 WPF 中的 memory 泄漏吗?

[英]Can binding to a struct's property cause memory leaks in WPF?

Consider the following struct and class :考虑以下structclass

public struct DemoStruct
    public DemoStruct(int value)
        Value = value;
    public int Value {get; }

public class DemoClass : INotifyPropertyChanged
    private DemoStruct _demo;
    public DemoStruct Demo 
        get => _demo;
        set {_demo = value; PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(Demo)); }

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

And, assuming the DataContext is an instance of DemoClass , consider this binding:并且,假设DataContextDemoClass的一个实例,考虑这个绑定:

<Label Content="{Binding Demo.Value}"/>

By now I've learned that binding to an object that is not a DependencyObject or does not implement INotifyPropertyChanged can cause a memory-leak, see eg Why does implementing INotifyPropertyChanged avoid memory leaks in WPF?到目前为止,我已经了解到绑定到不是DependencyObject或未实现INotifyPropertyChanged的 object 可能会导致内存泄漏,请参见例如, Why does implementing INotifyPropertyChanged avoid memory leaks in WPF? . .

What I'm wondering is how WPF will handle binding to a struct property.我想知道 WPF 将如何处理绑定到struct属性。

My DemoStruct does not implement INotifyPropertyChanged , because it is an immutable struct.我的DemoStruct没有实现INotifyPropertyChanged ,因为它是一个不可变的结构。

I'm assuming it will be boxed by WPF, but will this also create a memory leak, due to the "strong reference" to the boxed struct instance?我假设它将被 WPF 装箱,但是由于对装箱struct实例的“强引用”,这是否也会造成 memory 泄漏?

And, since a new box will be created whenever WPF accesses the property - will these all leak?而且,由于每当 WPF 访问该属性时都会创建一个新框 - 这些都会泄漏吗?

And, a follow up to be on the safe side:并且,为了安全起见,请采取后续行动:

If I were to change the binding to:如果我要将绑定更改为:

<Label Content="{Binding Demo}"/>

Despite the boxing, this should not cause a leak, because WPF does not have to attach any event handlers to "Demo" - right?尽管装箱,这不应该导致泄漏,因为 WPF 不必将任何事件处理程序附加到“Demo”——对吧?

Short answer is yes, they can do.简短的回答是肯定的,他们可以做到。 Unless you use mode=.netime bindings.除非你使用 mode=.netime 绑定。

https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/do.net/api/system.windows.data.bindingmode?view=windowsdesktop-7.0 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/do.net/api/system.windows.data.bindingmode?view=windowsdesktop-7.0

The struct itself will not cause memory leaks.该结构本身不会导致 memory 泄漏。

Properties on that struct would do.该结构上的属性就可以了。

Demo is a property in a class that implements Inotifypropertychanged. Demo是class中的一个属性,实现了Inotifypropertychanged。 If you bound to Demo then that would not cause a leak but you get a struct.如果你绑定到 Demo 那么这不会导致泄漏,但你会得到一个结构。 That might not be terribly useful.这可能不是很有用。

If you bind to Demo.Value then that's a property on a struct and that will cause a hard reference to be created.如果您绑定到 Demo.Value,那么这是结构上的一个属性,这将导致创建硬引用。 Unless....除非....

Since Demo is to be immutable then maybe in your use case you could try a .netime binding.由于 Demo 是不可变的,那么也许在您的用例中您可以尝试 .netime 绑定。 That doesn't then care about any property changing.那不关心任何属性的变化。

https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/archive/blogs/jgoldb/finding-memory-leaks-in-wpf-based-applications https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/archive/blogs/jgoldb/finding-memory-leaks-in-wpf-based-applications

If you switch out Demo then you could consider a converter to read the data out value.如果您关闭 Demo,那么您可以考虑使用转换器来读取数据输出值。 Bind to Demo and use a converter which would then read Value and return that.绑定到 Demo 并使用一个转换器,该转换器将读取 Value 并返回它。 Might be a bit clunky if you had more than one property.如果您拥有不止一处财产,可能会有点笨拙。

You could alternatively wrap Demo.Value with another property in your viewmodel.您也可以在视图模型中用另一个属性包装 Demo.Value。 Raise propertychanged on wrapper property when demo changes.当演示更改时,在包装器属性上提高 propertychanged。

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