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[英]How to read an .BAK file in Azure data factory?

I have a.BAK (db backup) file and if I want to read it in Azure cloud environment, how can I read it?我有一个.BAK(db backup)文件,如果我想在Azure云环境中读取它,我该如何读取?

Thru ADF we tried to load.bak file into Azure SQL DB, but it is not supporting.通过 ADF,我们尝试将 .bak 文件加载到 Azure SQL 数据库中,但它不支持。 Once if we are able to load the data into any db, then we can read the data from the database.一旦我们能够将数据加载到任何数据库中,那么我们就可以从数据库中读取数据。

Also tried below link, but not helping us.还尝试了以下链接,但对我们没有帮助。 How to fetch or read an.bak file in Azure data factory? 如何获取或读取Azure数据工厂中的an.bak文件?

Any better recommendation or solution?有更好的建议或解决方案吗? Please help.请帮忙。

You can't use backup and restore like on-prem, you need to use bacpac export/import.你不能像on-prem那样使用备份和恢复,你需要使用bacpac export/import。 To Export (Backup) In SSMS, right click on your-database, Task > Export Data Tier Application and follow the steps and save the file locally or on a.network.导出(备份) 在 SSMS 中,右键单击您的数据库,任务 > 导出数据层应用程序并按照步骤将文件保存在本地或网络上。 To Import (Restore) In SSMS, connect to the azsql server, (my-azsql-server.databases.windows.net) right click on "databases" and select Import Data Tier Application and select the path to bacpac file you saved in the previous step.导入(恢复)在 SSMS 中,连接到 azsql 服务器,(my-azsql-server.databases.windows.net) 右键单击“数据库”和 select 导入数据层应用程序和 select 您保存在前一步。 Once the database is in Azure, you should be able to connect from ADF.数据库位于 Azure 后,您应该能够从 ADF 进行连接。

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