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如何在 Rust 中创建自引用 AST?

[英]How to create self-referential AST in Rust?

Let's imagine we have a very simple AST for programming language with only functions and calls假设我们有一个非常简单的编程语言 AST,只有函数和调用

use std::sync::Arc;

struct Function {
    pub body: Vec<Call>

struct Call {
    pub function: Arc<Function> 

Now we want to recursively call functions:现在我们要递归调用函数:

let f = Arc::new(Function { body: vec![Call {function: f.clone()}] }) 
// Doesn't work, as we haven't created Arc yet
let mut f = Arc::new(Function { body: vec![] });
f.body.push(Call { function: f.clone() })
// Doesn't work, because Arc has immutable data

The problem can be solved using Arc<Mutex<_>> or Arc<RwLock<_>> in Call :这个问题可以在Call中使用Arc<Mutex<_>>Arc<RwLock<_>>来解决:

use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock}

struct Call {
    pub function: Arc<RwLock<Function>> 

And then creating with:然后创建:

let f = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Function { body: vec![] }));
f.write().unwrap().body.push(Call { function: f.clone() })

But now you need to always write f.write().unwrap() or f.read().unwrap() everywhere, even though function is mutable only on construction .但是现在您需要始终在任何地方编写f.write().unwrap()f.read().unwrap() ,即使 function仅在构造时可变。

Can you do something better than this?你能做比这更好的事吗?

Use Weak for the parent pointer.对父指针使用Weak k。 You need to do that anyway to allow for proper destruction.无论如何,您都需要这样做才能进行适当的销毁。 Then use Arc::new_cyclic() :然后使用Arc::new_cyclic()

use std::sync::{Arc, Weak};

struct Function {
    pub body: Vec<Call>,

struct Call {
    pub function: Weak<Function>,

let f = Arc::new_cyclic(|f| Function {
    body: vec![Call {
        function: Weak::clone(f),

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