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VSCode Intellisense 在 typescript 中获取现有变量后添加“={}”

[英]VSCode Intellisense adding "={}" after grabbing existing variable in typescript

My intellisense had been working fine.. but after a recent upgrade it seems like things have broken:我的 intellisense 一直运行良好..但是在最近升级之后,似乎有些东西坏了:


classNames is used as a function, and filterBy is a previously defined variable - I don't understand why intellisense has changed to all of the sudden add ="" and ={} when grabbing these previously defined variables.. is there configuration I need to change? classNames用作 function, filterBy是先前定义的变量 - 我不明白为什么 intellisense 在获取这些先前定义的变量时突然更改为添加=""={} ..我需要配置吗改变?

I was able to fix this by removing the JavaScript and TypeScript Nightly VSC extension.我能够通过删除JavaScript 和 TypeScript Nightly VSC 扩展来解决这个问题。

You can also workaround this issue by changing the setting 'JSX Attribute Completion Style' to none.您还可以通过将“JSX 属性完成样式”设置更改为无来解决此问题。

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