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'e.target.files' 可能是 'null'

[英]'e.target.files' is possibly 'null'

In my input component I extract file content after input.在我的输入组件中,我在输入后提取文件内容。 Took code from here 从这里获取代码

Error occurred on the line of onChange={e => handleFileChosen(e.target.files[0])} , to be more accurate, ts underlines e.target.files .错误发生在onChange={e => handleFileChosen(e.target.files[0])}行,更准确地说,ts 强调了e.target.files

Error message is 'e.target.files' is possibly 'null'错误消息是'e.target.files' is possibly 'null'

And here is the code:这是代码:

import styles from './Input.module.scss'
import { FileInputProps } from './FileInput.props';
import cn from 'classnames'
import { useState } from 'react';

export const FileInput = ({ ...props }: FileInputProps): JSX.Element => {
      const [fileContent, setFileContent] = useState<string>('')

      const handleFileChosen = (file: File) => {
            let fileReader = new FileReader()
            fileReader.onloadend = (e: Event) => {
                  const content = fileReader.result || ''

      return (
                        onChange={(e) => {handleFileChosen(e.target.files[0])}}

I've checked this SO page, but none of those solutions helped me我检查了这个SO 页面,但这些解决方案都没有帮助我

Please review this code请查看此代码

import React, {ChangeEvent, useEffect, useState} from 'react';

const FileUploadComponent = () => {
    const [base64Data, setBase64Data] = useState("");
    const [error, setError] = useState("");

    const handleFileChange = (e: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
        const files: FileList | null = e.target.files;
        const reader: FileReader = new FileReader();
        reader.onloadend = function () {
            setBase64Data(reader.result as string)
        reader.onerror = function () {
            setError("Error file not reading");
        reader.readAsDataURL(files?.[0] as File);

    useEffect(()=> {
    }, [base64Data])

    return (

export default FileUploadComponent;

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