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ruby - 特定键的 transform_value[1]

[英]ruby - transform_value of a specific key[1]

I am trying for each row to compare the fx value of each corresponding name;我正在尝试为每一行比较每个对应名称的 fx 值; So the outcome should be: diff={"name"=>"XPT", "fx"=>"1.1315313597682419"} or rounded before having to be compared _ if it is easier to get it that way: diff={"name"=>"XPT", "fx"=>"1.13153"}所以结果应该是: diff={"name"=>"XPT", "fx"=>"1.1315313597682419"}或者在比较之前四舍五入 _ 如果这样比较容易: diff={"name"=>"XPT", "fx"=>"1.13153"}

So far I have a TypeError (no implicit conversion of String into Integer) with the following:到目前为止,我有一个 TypeError(没有将 String 隐式转换为 Integer),其中包含以下内容:

def compare_values
    diff = {}
    a = [{"src"=>"reportStack"},
    {"name"=>"XPT", "fx"=>"1.1315313597682419"},
    {"name"=>"XAU", "fx"=>"27.0165670831070071"},
    {"name"=>"XAG", "fx"=>"8.4192241535397429"}]

    b = [{"src"=>"reportOverflow"},
    {"name"=>"XPT", "fx"=>"1.13163"},
    {"name"=>"XAU", "fx"=>"27.0165670831070071"},
    {"name"=>"XAG", "fx"=>"8.4192"}]

    b.each do |b_row|
       a.each do |a_row|
          b.each do |k,v|
            diff = k if a_row['name'].value == e_row['name'].value && a_row['fx'].value.to_f != a_row['fx'].value.to_f

Could anyone please give a tip how to handle this pickle?谁能告诉我如何处理这个泡菜?

I would begin by simplifying the data structures for both reportStack (a) and reportOverflow (b) into hashes, where the key is name , and the value is fx .我首先将 reportStack (a) 和 reportOverflow (b) 的数据结构简化为散列,其中键为name ,值为fx This will allow us to compare key-value pairs without having to iterate through an array and checking each value.这将使我们能够比较键值对,而不必遍历数组并检查每个值。

report_stack = a.inject(Hash.new) do |memo, report_stack_entry|
  next memo unless report_stack_entry['name']

  memo[report_stack_entry['name']] = report_stack_entry['fx']

# report_stack => {"XPT"=>"1.1315313597682419", "XAU"=>"27.0165670831070071", "XAG"=>"8.4192241535397429"}

report_overflow = b.inject(Hash.new) do |memo, report_overflow_entry|
  next memo unless report_overflow_entry['name']

  memo[report_overflow_entry['name']] = report_overflow_entry['fx']

# report_overflow => {"XPT"=>"1.13163", "XAU"=>"27.0165670831070071", "XAG"=>"8.4192"}

I would then .reject over report_stack with a ?nil?然后我会.reject over report_stack with a ?nil? , start_with? , start_with? , and == condition on the corresponding report_overflow key , 和==条件对应的 report_overflow 键

diff = report_stack.reject do |name, fx|
  overflow_fx = report_overflow[name]

  !overflow_fx.nil? && (
    fx == overflow_fx ||

diff #=> {"XPT"=>"1.1315313597682419"}

If any additional comparison logic is required, you should be able to easily update the condition in the .reject block to do so.如果需要任何额外的比较逻辑,您应该能够轻松地更新.reject块中的条件来执行此操作。

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