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如何在 Java 项目反应器中记录管道?

[英]how to log pipelines in Java project reactor?

I have started a new project that uses java reactor and spring webFLux.我已经启动了一个使用 java 反应器和 spring webFLux 的新项目。 Recently I had to debug a production bug and It was a nightmare since they do not log anything.最近我不得不调试一个生产错误,这是一场噩梦,因为他们没有记录任何东西。 So, reading I found two ways to start adding logs to pipelines.因此,通过阅读我发现了两种开始向管道添加日志的方法。 One by using.log() and another one by using onErrorResume, doOnSubscribe, doOnSuccess.一种是使用 .log(),另一种是使用 onErrorResume、doOnSubscribe、doOnSuccess。 Do you know which one should I use?你知道我应该使用哪一个吗? Are better ways to log pipelines?是记录管道的更好方法吗?

    return repositoryName.findById(event.eventId())
        .filter(event -> event.completedDate() == null)
        .filterWhen(event ->
        .doOnNext(event -> log.info("Event found {} and should be marked as found", event.id()))

I highly recommend the Reactor doc to check what each method does https://projectreactor.io/docs/core/release/reference/我强烈推荐 Reactor 文档来检查每个方法的作用https://projectreactor.io/docs/core/release/reference/

doOnNext , doOnError , doOnSuccess are highly used to execute blocking operations without side effects on the current stream. If you received a Square object on your doOnNext and doOnError , this method would return precisely the received Square object (even if you changed its properties) doOnNextdoOnErrordoOnSuccess被广泛用于执行阻塞操作而不会对当前 stream 产生副作用。如果您在doOnNextdoOnError上收到一个 Square object ,此方法将准确返回收到的 Square object(即使您更改了它的属性)

doOnNext to execute after the previous sequence finishes try-catch doOnNext在前一个序列完成后执行try-catch

doOnError the subsequent execution if an exception was thrown (and there's no other exception handler on stream) doOnError如果抛出异常则后续执行(并且流上没有其他异常处理程序)

doOnSuccess is similar to a finally block from try-catch doOnSuccess类似于来自try-catch的 finally 块

onErrorResume is most used to handle exceptions if needed, similar to catch(Exception e), but it will return a new object onErrorResume最多用于在需要时处理异常,类似于 catch(Exception e),但它会返回一个新的 object

As you can see, it's okay to have logs on flatMap , map , doOnNext , doOnError , or onErrorResume .如您所见,可以在flatMapmapdoOnNextdoOnErroronErrorResume上记录日志。 The correct one to use will vary on what you need.正确使用的会因您的需要而异。 If logging is the only thing you need, I recommend doOnNext , doOnError , or doOnFinally .如果日志记录是您唯一需要的东西,我推荐doOnNextdoOnErrordoOnFinally

As said before, please refer to the docs too to check what each method stands for如前所述,请也参考文档以检查每种方法代表什么

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