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android 的 GAv4:是否可以覆盖 deviceCategory 值?

[英]GAv4 for android: can deviceCategory value be overriden?

I need to manually override the value that Google analytics sends for the deviceCategory predefined user dimension (let's say that instead of "mobile", I need It to be "android phone").我需要手动覆盖 Google Analytics 为deviceCategory预定义用户维度发送的值(假设不是“移动”,我需要它是“android 手机”)。 But I couldn't find anywhere in the SDK documentation if this is possible or not, and how to do it, other than using a custom dimension, which is not what I want.但是我在 SDK 文档中找不到任何地方,如果这可能与否,以及如何做到这一点,除了使用自定义维度,这不是我想要的。

Is this even possible?这可能吗?

You can definitely override some of the default dimensions as shown here You could probably follow the same algo to override other dimensions.您绝对可以覆盖一些默认维度,如此处所示您可能会遵循相同的算法来覆盖其他维度。

Another thing I'd try is looking at the.network request and seeing if deviceCategory can be overriden by setting it as an event propery.我要尝试的另一件事是查看 .network 请求并查看是否可以通过将deviceCategory设置为事件属性来覆盖它。

Finally, you can always override any field if you use GTM inbetween, but it's kind of an overkill.最后,如果您在中间使用 GTM,您总是可以覆盖任何字段,但这有点矫枉过正。 You don't want to use it just to slightly shift the field value.您不想仅仅使用它来稍微改变字段值。

I would generally suggest either not touching it at all if you're just renaming it for the comfort of the analyst or using a custom dimension/event propery to track it if it's a separate datapoint.如果您只是为了分析师的舒适而重命名它,或者如果它是一个单独的数据点,我通常建议您根本不碰它,或者使用自定义维度/事件属性来跟踪它。

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