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如何解决 Kotlin DSL 中的 DependencyResolutionManagement 警告

[英]How to resolve DependencyResolutionManagement warning in Kotlin DSL

I created a new Android project using Android Studio version - Electric Eel .我使用 Android Studio 版本 - Electric Eel创建了一个新的 Android 项目。 And I was trying to migrate gradle scripts from groovy to kotlin DSL , met warnings.我试图将 gradle 脚本从groovy迁移到kotlin DSL ,遇到警告。

In last project developed on previous version of Android Studio - Chipmunk , script was clean.在之前版本的 Android Studio - Chipmunk上开发的最后一个项目中,脚本是干净的。 The scripts between last project and new project are equal.上一个项目和新项目之间的脚本是相等的。

I want to remove the warning message in the right way not supressing them.我想以正确的方式删除警告消息而不是压制它们。 I know what the annotation( @Incubating ) means.我知道注释( @Incubating )是什么意思。

Here's the settings.gradle.kts .这是settings.gradle.kts
Comments are the warnings I encountered.评论是我遇到的警告。

pluginManagement {
    repositories {
dependencyResolutionManagement {
    // 'getRepositoriesMode()' is declared in unstable interface 'org.gradle.api.initialization.resolve.DependencyResolutionManagement' marked with @Incubating 
    // 'org.gradle.api.initialization.resolve.RepositoriesMode' is marked unstable with @Incubating 
    // 'FAIL_ON_PROJECT_REPOS' is declared in unstable enum 'org.gradle.api.initialization.resolve.RepositoriesMode' marked with @Incubating 

    // 'repositories(org.gradle.api.Action<? super org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.RepositoryHandler>)' is declared in unstable interface 'org.gradle.api.initialization.resolve.DependencyResolutionManagement' marked with @Incubating 
    repositories {
rootProject.name = "MyNewProject"

My IDE, gradle, agp versions:我的 IDE、gradle、agp 版本:

  • IDE: Electric Eel (2022.1.1, Build #AI-221.6008.13.2211.9477386) IDE:电鳗(2022.1.1,Build #AI-221.6008.13.2211.9477386)

Android Studio Electric Eel | Android 工作室电鳗 | 2022.1.1 2022.1.1
Build #AI-221.6008.13.2211.9477386, built on January 11, 2023 Build #AI-221.6008.13.2211.9477386,建于 2023 年 1 月 11 日
Runtime version: 11.0.16+8-b2043.64 amd64运行时版本:11.0.16+8-b2043.64 amd64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o. VM:JetBrains s.r.o 的 OpenJDK 64 位服务器 VM。
Windows 10 10.0 Windows 10 10.0
GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation GC:G1年轻代,G1老年代

  • Gradle: 7.5 Gradle: 7.5
  • agp: 7.4.0加速器: 7.4.0

(in build.gradle , which is still with groovy ) (在build.gradle中,仍然与groovy

plugins {
    id 'com.android.application' version '7.4.0' apply false
    id 'com.android.library' version '7.4.0' apply false
    id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.android' version '1.7.0' apply false

I double checked the Inspection settings both IDE versions, Unstable API Usage options are all enabled.我仔细检查了两个 IDE 版本的检查设置不稳定的 API 使用选项都已启用。 The options includes correct annotation - org.gradle.api.incubating .选项包括正确的注释 - org.gradle.api.incubating

I think electric eel version resolves a bug(Actucally I'm not sure), but this is not resolved clearly, until they release it stable API or other way...我认为电鳗版本解决了一个错误(实际上我不确定),但这并没有明确解决,直到他们发布稳定版 API 或其他方式......

For now I added @file:Suppress("UnstableApiUsage") at the top of each gradle script.现在我在每个 gradle 脚本的顶部添加了@file:Suppress("UnstableApiUsage")


Add @Suppress("UnstableApiUsage") to fix temporarily problem in the interested code like添加 @Suppress("UnstableApiUsage") 以暂时修复感兴趣的代码中的问题,例如

    packagingOptions {
        resources {
            excludes += "/META-INF/{AL2.0,LGPL2.1}"

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