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windows 和 mac 命令有什么区别?

[英]What is the difference between windows and mac commands?

~cd and ~ls -la "databaseName " how to write these commands ind windows? ~cd 和~ls -la "databaseName" ind windows这些命令怎么写? (this commands is for terminal) (此命令适用于终端)

i cant find mac and windows command我找不到 mac 和 windows 命令

these commands come with linux and mac, for use the commands in win is necessary install one "terminal for win", one example is the git bash这些命令随 linux 和 mac 一起提供,要在 win 中使用这些命令,必须安装一个“win 终端”,一个示例是 git bash

https://git-scm.com/download/win https://git-scm.com/download/win

sorry for English对不起英语

Linux and Mac is based on UNIX which makes most terminal commands the same. Linux 和 Mac基于 UNIX 这使得大多数终端命令相同。 Some are different based on terminal or OS.有些因终端或操作系统而异。
Window is based on Windows NT kernel which is an entire different family tree. Window基于 Windows NT kernel,这是一个完全不同的家谱。 That's why their commands is nothing like Linux.这就是为什么他们的命令与 Linux 完全不同。

If you're going to use terminal a lot, consider using GitBash or install a Windows Subsystem for Linux for your machine.如果您要经常使用终端,请考虑使用GitBash或为您的机器安装Windows 子系统 Linux Therefore, you can stick with linux's command, which in my opinion is easier and less complicated than window's commands.因此,您可以坚持使用 linux 的命令,在我看来,它比 window 的命令更简单、更简单。

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