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Python 掷骰子游戏

[英]Python dice roll game

I'm making a dice game on python and I'm having an issue.我正在 python 上玩骰子游戏,但遇到了问题。 "/roll1" and "/roll2" works perfectly but when I try "/score" it outputs nothing. “/roll1”和“/roll2”工作得很好,但当我尝试“/score”时,它什么都不输出。 How can I fix this?我怎样才能解决这个问题?

# password is any integer
while True:
        pass_word = int(input("Please enter the password: "))
    except ValueError:
        print("Sorry, I didn't understand that.")


import random
def rolldie():
    inputChoice = input("Enter Choice: ")
    roll1 = ""
    if(inputChoice == "/roll1"):
      roll1  = random.randint(1,6)
      print("Nice roll! You rolled a {}!".format(roll1) )
    roll2 = ""
    if(inputChoice == "/roll2"):
      roll_2 = random.randint(1,6)
      print("Nice roll! You rolled a {}!".format(roll_2) )

    elif(inputChoice == "/score"):
      print(roll1 + roll2 ) 


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If you want to keep your function recursive, you have to pass your results from an execution to the next one, thanks to function parameters, for example:如果你想保持你的 function 递归,你必须将你的结果从一个执行传递到下一个执行,这要归功于 function 参数,例如:

import random
def rolldie(roll1=0, roll2=0):
    inputChoice = input("Enter Choice: ")
    if(inputChoice == "/roll1"):
      roll1  = random.randint(1,6)
      print("Nice roll! You rolled a {}!".format(roll1) )
    if(inputChoice == "/roll2"):
      roll2 = random.randint(1,6)
      print("Nice roll! You rolled a {}!".format(roll2) )

    if(inputChoice == "/score"):
      print(roll1 + roll2) 

    rolldie(roll1, roll2)

You could also use a loop instead of the recursive way or use global variables but that is generally not the best option您也可以使用循环而不是递归方式或使用全局变量,但这通常不是最佳选择

I tried the Code and I think I found a solution to your problem, hope it helps, hears the code:我尝试了代码,我想我找到了解决您问题的方法,希望它能有所帮助,听到代码:

score1 = 0
score2 = 0


while True:
        pass_word = int(input("Please enter the password: "))
    except ValueError:
        print("Sorry, I didn't understand that.")

import random
def rolldie():
    global score1, score
    inputChoice = input("Enter Choice: ")
    roll1 = 0
    if(inputChoice == "/roll1"):
      roll1  = random.randint(1,6)
      score1 += roll1
      print("Nice roll! You rolled a {}!".format(roll1) )
    roll2 = 0
    if(inputChoice == "/roll2"):
      roll2 = random.randint(1,6)
      score2 += roll2
      print("Nice roll! You rolled a {}!".format(roll2) )

    elif(inputChoice == "/score"):
      print(score1 + score2) 


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