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Roslyn 代码分析:可以对规则进行可视化编辑吗?

[英]Roslyn Code Analysis: Visual Editing of Rules possible?

If I understand correctly, there are two kinds of code analysis available for C# Visual Studio projects:如果我没理解错的话,C# Visual Studio项目有两种代码分析:

  1. The old legacy analyzers (not available for .NET Core and .NET Standard)旧的遗留分析仪(不适用于 .NET Core 和 .NET Standard)
  2. Roslyn Code Analyzers Roslyn 代码分析器

The old legacy analyzers used.ruleset files to configure warnings, errors and suppresions.旧的遗留分析器使用 .ruleset 文件来配置警告、错误和抑制。 Visual Studio came with a nice visual interface to edit those ruleset files: Visual Studio 带有一个漂亮的可视化界面来编辑这些规则集文件: 视觉规则集配置

The.ruleset file format seems to be deprecated in Roslyn in favour of.editorconfig. .ruleset 文件格式在 Roslyn 中似乎已弃用,取而代之的是 .editorconfig。 Unfortunately, this means the nice visual editor is not available anymore.不幸的是,这意味着漂亮的可视化编辑器不再可用。

Is there any way to get a similar visual interface for.editorconfig files?有没有办法为 .editorconfig 文件获得类似的可视化界面?

The C# compiler can use both .ruleset and .editorconfig . C# 编译器可以同时使用.ruleset.editorconfig

And Visual Studio 2022 has an editor for .editorconfig Visual Studio 2022 有一个.editorconfig的编辑器

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