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Typescript - 将子属性“链接”到父属性中的相同属性,因此当更新父属性时,它会更新子属性中的相同属性吗?

[英]Typescript - "Link" a child attribute to the same attribute in the parent, so when the parent attribute is updated, it updates the same in the child?

A Company can have a Pia agreement, but doesn't need to have one.公司可以有 Pia 协议,但不一定要有。 So, I have the following.ts classes to demonstrate this.所以,我有以下 .ts 类来演示这一点。

I just do this let submitObject = new Company();我只是这样做let submitObject = new Company(); and then I get a Company object with default null values that I can overwrite based on what's in my form.然后我得到一个公司 object,默认值为 null,我可以根据我的表单中的内容覆盖这些值。


When I set the "id" in the Company, I want it to also set the child (Pia) 's "companyId" using this same value.当我在公司中设置“id”时,我希望它也使用相同的值设置子 (Pia) 的“companyId”。 Is there a way to make it do this automatically, or do I need to manually do submitObject.pia.companyId = submitObject.id after every time I finish setting the values of a new Company object?有没有办法让它自动执行此操作,或者我是否需要在每次完成新公司 object 的值设置后手动执行submitObject.pia.companyId = submitObject.id submitObject.id?


import { Pia } from "./Pia";

export class Company {
    id: number = null;
    name: string = null;
    address: string = null;
    authRequired: boolean = false;
    piaRequired: boolean = false;

    pia: Pia = new Pia;


export class Pia {
    companyId: number = null;
    agreementNumber: string = null;
    effectiveDate: string = null;
    expirationDate: string = null;

What I've tried:我试过的:

Using extends / inheritance (I'm pretty sure I'm doing this incorrectly)使用extends / inheritance (我很确定我做错了)


import { Pia } from "./Pia";

export class Company {
    constructor(public companyId: number) {
        this.id = companyId;
    id: number = null;
    name: string = null;
    address: string = null;
    authRequired: boolean = false;
    piaRequired: boolean = false;
    pia: Pia = new Pia(this.companyId);


import { Company } from "./Company";

export class Pia extends Company {

    // constructor(companyId: number) {
    //     super(companyId);
    // }

    // companyId: number = super.id;
    companyId: number = null;
    agreementNumber: string = null;
    effectiveDate: string = null;
    expirationDate: string = null;

You may use a getter/setter , although this may get out of hand if you have more properties you want to 'link':您可以使用getter/setter ,尽管如果您有更多想要“链接”的属性,这可能会失控:

 class Pia { companyId; constructor(id) { this.companyId = id } } class Company { pia; constructor(pia) { this.pia = pia } get id() { return this.pia.companyId } set id(id) { this.pia.companyId = id } } const c = new Company(new Pia(42)); // c.id += 27 // also works c.id = c.id + 27; // 'linked', inner object was also updated console.log(c.pia.companyId);

Note that it's not really 'linked', it's just that the Company's id member acts as a proxy between outside code and the inner Pia object's companyId .请注意,它并不是真正的“链接”,只是公司的id成员充当外部代码和内部 Pia 对象的companyId之间的代理。

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