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VB.NET:使用依赖注入添加 DBContext

[英]VB.NET: Add DBContext with Dependecy Injection

I'm trying to consume in VB.NET some classes using Dependency Injection.我正在尝试使用依赖注入在 VB.NET 中使用一些类。

In the Global.asax.vb, I have:在 Global.asax.vb 中,我有:

Dim hostBuilder As HostBuilder = New HostBuilder() _
            .ConfigureServices(Function(hostContext, services)
                                                           Return lb
                                                       End Function)
                                   services.AddHttpClient(Of IService1, Service1)
                                   services.AddDbContext(Of MyDbContext)(Function(options)
                                                                           ' Not Working -> Return options.UseOracle(connString)
                                                                         End Function)
                                   services.AddScoped(Of IMyRepository, MyRepository)
                                   services.AddScoped(Of IOtherClass, OtherClass)
                                   Return services
                               End Function) _
            .ConfigureAppConfiguration(Function(hostContext, confBuilder)
                                           confBuilder.AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", False)
                                           Return confBuilder
                                       End Function)

        Dim host = hostBuilder.Build()
        ServiceProvider = host.Services

I'm having problem in adding the DBContext.我在添加 DBContext 时遇到问题。

I want to use an Oracle connection, but when i try options.UseOracle(connString) , there isn't the UseOracle extension method, but I have added the Oracle.EntityFrameworkCore nuget package我想使用 Oracle 连接,但是当我尝试options.UseOracle(connString)时,没有UseOracle扩展方法,但我添加了Oracle.EntityFrameworkCore nuget package

By using C# I simply use:通过使用 C# 我只需使用:

                (options => options.UseOracle(connString));

What is wrong?怎么了?

Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

Side note (so just community wiki), but recent VB.Net has implicit line continuation.旁注(只是社区 wiki),但最近的 VB.Net 有隐式的行延续。

So if you have this:所以如果你有这个:

 functionCall() _

You can remove the _ if you move the .如果移动 ,则可以删除_ . to the end of the first line, so there is a binary operator at the end of the line:到第一行的末尾,所以在该行的末尾有一个二元运算符:


I've resolved restarting Visual Studio (2022).我已决定重新启动 Visual Studio (2022)。 After the restart the extension method UseOracle was avaiable.重新启动后,扩展方法UseOracle可用。

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