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Firestore 安全规则:不符合条件

[英]Firestore security rules: not in condition

I have game interface with players limit and connected players (array of player ids)我有玩家限制和连接玩家的游戏界面(玩家ID数组)

interface IGameData { playersLimit: number; players: string[]; }

How to write a not in rule which will check if player that I'm requesting to push inside players array is already in the players array then the rule should deny request?如何编写一个不规则来检查我请求推入玩家数组的玩家是否已经在玩家数组中然后规则应该拒绝请求?

Update request looks like this更新请求看起来像这样

    await updateDoc(
        doc(db, 'games', gameId),
            players: arrayUnion(playerId)

The arrayUnion operator already prevents duplicates from appearing in the players array. arrayUnion运算符已经防止重复项出现在玩家数组中。 You don't need a security rule for that.您不需要为此设置安全规则。

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