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是否可以在 Postgres 的 pg_dump 中仅提取以特定名称开头的表?

[英]Is it possible to extract only tables starting with a specific name in pg_dump in Postgres?

Among the hundreds of tables in the postgres DB, only the structure dump of tables starting with a specific name is found.在 postgres DB 的数百个表中,仅找到以特定名称开头的表的结构转储。


the name of the table表名







If you think there is I want to dump only tables starting with abc*.如果您认为我只想转储以 abc* 开头的表。

pg_dump abc.txt -Fp -t abc* -s DBName

However, it was not recognized because the amount of tables was too large.但是由于表量太大,没有被识别。 it answered,它回答说,

pg_dump: error: too many command-line arguments (first is "DBName")

but this command works fine但是这个命令工作正常

pg_dump abc_hello.txt -Fp -t abc_hello -s DBName

How can I pick them out?我怎样才能把它们挑出来?

Your main mistake is that you didn't consider that * also is a special character for the shell. If you run您的主要错误是您没有考虑到*也是 shell 的特殊字符。如果您运行

pg_dump -t abc* mydatabase

the shell will replace abc* with the names of all files in the current directory that start with abc , so that your command will actually be something like shell 会将abc*替换为当前目录中以abc开头的所有文件的名称,因此您的命令实际上类似于

pg_dump -t abcfile1 abcfile2 abcfile3 mydatabase

which is syntactically not correct and will make pg_dump complain.这在语法上是不正确的,并且会使pg_dump抱怨。

You have to protect the asterisk from being expanded by the shell with single quotes:您必须使用单引号保护星号不被 shell 扩展:

pg_dump -t 'abc*' mydatabase

The other error in your command line is that you forgot the -f in -f abc.txt .命令行中的另一个错误是您忘记了-f in -f abc.txt

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