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将图像上传到 firebase 时,无论我做什么,这个错误总是出现

[英]while uploading image to firebase, this one error is always comes whatever i do


what went wrong?什么地方出了错? even if i replace the XFile into File, same error comes at this putFile.即使我将 XFile 替换为文件,此 putFile 也会出现同样的错误。

try this convert that xfile to file尝试将 xfile 转换为文件

uploadImages(XFile? pathsw) async {
    final paths = path.basename(pathsw!.path);
    final pathStorage =
   /// Start looking from here then so on
    final file = File(pathsw.path);
    final reference = FirestoreService.storage.ref().child(pathStorage);
    final task = reference.putFile(file);
    final snap = await task.whenComplete(() {});
    final url = await snap.ref.getDownloadURL();
    return url;

If you see, .putFile() takes in a element of File type.如果您看到, .putFile()接受一个File类型的元素。 And you're accepting of type XFile .您正在接受XFile类型。 To convert:转换:

File uploadImage = File(image!.path)

now the best way to upload would be to use .putFile() or .putData()现在最好的上传方式是使用.putFile().putData()

Your .putFile() implementation looks great, if you want to use .putData() , find the following code:您的.putFile()实现看起来很棒,如果您想使用.putData() ,请找到以下代码:

await reference.putData(uploadImage.readAsBytesSync())


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