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React-Keycloak 不断刷新

[英]React-Keycloak keeps refreshing

I am trying to use keycloak to secure a React application.我正在尝试使用 keycloak 来保护 React 应用程序。 I am using two packages: React-keycloak and keycloak-js.我正在使用两个包:React-keycloak 和 keycloak-js。

This is my keycloak provider这是我的密钥斗篷提供商



and this my keycloak object:这是我的 keycloak object:

const keycloak = new Keycloak({
  url: "http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8080",
  realm: "testrealm",
  clientId: "testclient",

If I have no login cookie, i will be directed to the Keycloak login page.如果我没有登录 cookie,我将被定向到 Keycloak 登录页面。 I can then login and return to my application.然后我可以登录并返回到我的应用程序。 Now the page is constantly refreshed again and again as it tries to call urls like this:现在页面不断刷新,因为它试图调用这样的 url:


I have tried different init options including:我尝试了不同的初始化选项,包括:

initOptions={{ onLoad: "login-required"}}
initOptions={{ checkLoginIframe: false }}

but nothing seems to work.但似乎没有任何效果。

No examples I find seem to do anything more than this so I'm not sure if it's a bug, if I'm missing some configuration, or whatever else.我发现没有比这更有效的例子了,所以我不确定这是不是一个错误,我是否缺少一些配置,或者其他什么。

I'm currently using versions: @react-keycloak/web@3.4.0 keycloak-js@19.0.1我目前使用的版本:@react-keycloak/web@3.4.0 keycloak-js@19.0.1

but have used both newer and older version, with no success.但同时使用了新旧版本,但没有成功。

a similar issue: Page keeps refreshing and changing the query parameter 'state' and 'session' in URL when implementing React with keycloak一个类似的问题: 使用keycloak实现React时,页面不断刷新并更改URL中的查询参数'state'和'session'

UPDATE: https://github.com/react-keycloak/react-keycloak/issues/182更新: https://github.com/react-keycloak/react-keycloak/issues/182

I am using React 18.0 where StrictMode causes useEffect to be called twice.我正在使用 React 18.0,其中 StrictMode 导致 useEffect 被调用两次。 This seems to be a breaking change for the ReactKeycloakProvider+keycloak.js.这似乎是 ReactKeycloakProvider+keycloak.js 的重大变化。 The workaround is to move StrictMode inside the ReactKeycloakProvider instead of around the whole application!解决方法是将 StrictMode 移动到 ReactKeycloakProvider 内部,而不是围绕整个应用程序移动!

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