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如何在 recyclerView 上打开两个不同的活动 - Kotlin

[英]How to open two different activity on recyclerView - Kotlin

I am using a recyclerView to show a list of card-movies in the mainActivity and I have implemented an onclickListener that open the details page.我正在使用recyclerViewmainActivity中显示卡片电影列表,并且我已经实现了一个打开详细信息页面的onclickListener

If I wanted one of the cards in the list to open a different activity, how can I set the click or, if necessary, the other elements I use?如果我想让列表中的一张卡片打开不同的活动,我该如何设置点击,或者,如果需要,我使用的其他元素?

on your onClick() method call the position of the card as follows在您的 onClick() 方法上调用卡的 position,如下所示

@Override public void onClick(View v) { @Override public void onClick(View v) {

final Intent intent;
switch (getAdapterPostion()){
    case 0:
       intent =  new Intent(context, FirstActivity.class);

    case 1:
        intent =  new Intent(context, SecondActivity.class);
       intent =  new Intent(context, DefaultActivity.class);

} }


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